Fact checked byJill Rollet

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August 04, 2023
3 min read

ADCES to celebrate 50th anniversary during its 2023 annual meeting

Fact checked byJill Rollet
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Key takeaways:

  • ADCES will kick off its 2023 meeting with a general session celebrating its 50th anniversary on Friday.
  • The conference will also feature general sessions on multi-generational team building and self-care.

The Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists will be celebrating a special milestone as its members gather in Houston for the organization’s 2023 annual meeting.

ADCES23 will take place from Friday through Monday at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston. The meeting celebrates ADCES’s 50th anniversary and will feature several events and activities that look back at the organization’s history.


“We decided to bring in lots of little things throughout the entire conference to keep the theme going that this is our anniversary year,” Lucille Hughes, DNP, MSN/ED, CDCES, BC-ADM, FADCES, 2023 ADCES president and assistant vice president of diabetes education and program design at Catholic Health in New York, told Healio. “We wanted to define it as a celebratory year, but the conference is where we’re coming together to celebrate that party. We are networking with each other, we’re going to bask in the past and get excited about the future of diabetes care and education specialists.”

Hughes will look back in time during her president’s address, which will kick off the conference on Friday at 7:45 a.m. CDT. Hughes said the session will include a short video tracing the history of ADCES, and she will share some of her experiences as a diabetes care and education specialist. The session will also include a conversation with Christopher S. Holliday, PhD, MPH, MA, FACHE, director of the division of diabetes translation for the CDC, who will discuss future collaborations to promote diabetes self-management and education support.

Two other general sessions will take place at this year’s meeting. On Saturday at 8 a.m. CDT, Sarah Sladek, CEO of XYZ University, will discuss team building in a multi-generational workplace. Sladek’s talk will focus on ways people of different generations can relate to each other and how those techniques can be applied in the workplace as well as with patients.

On Sunday at 8 a.m. CDT, Barbara Rubel, MA, BCETS, DAAETS, director of Griefwork Center, Inc. in Kendall Park, New Jersey, will present her FABULOUS Framework for Wellness during a general session. The session will focus on self-care and give attendees strategies for avoiding burnout, dealing with stress and mitigating fatigue.

“We know in health care, it’s a very challenging world that we navigate with reimbursements, bills and dealing with people that are challenged,” Hughes said. “Mentally, it is exhausting. We want to make sure we can provide tips for the diabetes care and education specialists to help them with their own health, well-being and mental state. I look to Sunday as a gift to our members, that presentation is for them.”

More than 100 educational sessions will cover a wide range of topics. Hughes said some of the highlights include education sessions on how to use the latest diabetes technology, sessions on using language to empower people with diabetes and a focus on patient-reported outcomes and how people with diabetes respond to diabetes devices, interventions and more.

In response to attendee feedback, meeting organizers have added 15-minute stretching periods to the agenda this year. There will be one or two periods each day of the meeting to allow attendees to take a break between sessions. This year’s conference will also feature a quiet room, a place that will feature therapeutic music and a meditative atmosphere so attendees can recharge.

ADCES also plans to unveil its latest strategic plan during the conference. Hughes said the strategic plan is what she is looking forward to most at this year’s conference as it was developed specifically with the organization’s members in mind.

“It’s a culmination of work that the board took very seriously, and the staff took very seriously,” Hughes said. “It was done specifically for our association members. I’m excited to show the trajectory of where we’re going and to show them in that strategic initiative that it’s all about the value, being able to secure their place in the workforce for the years to come and to secure our association.”

This year’s meeting will also include some sessions that will be available on demand. On demand access will being on Monday, Aug. 21 and continue until Monday, Oct. 30.

“I’m excited about seeing past presidents and brainstorming with them,” Hughes said. “I’m so honored to be in this role, many of them have shared so much with me, I want to continue to learn from them.”

The Healio | Endocrine Today staff will provide live coverage from ADCES23, with reports on the presentations, exclusive interviews and more. For more information on the ADCES23 agenda and registration, visit www.adcesmeeting.org.