Fact checked byJill Rollet

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June 23, 2023
7 min watch

VIDEO: ADA president discusses 2023 meeting, improving diabetes care, and more

Fact checked byJill Rollet
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SAN DIEGO — In this video exclusive, Rodica Pop-Busui, MD, PhD, American Diabetes Association president, describes initiatives for her term, including an end to amputations and improved access to care.

Pop-Busui is professor of internal medicine, metabolism, endocrinology and diabetes at the University of Michigan Medical Center and the ADA’s 2023-2024 president.

“The ADA is extremely committed to help build and fund the next generation of investigators. We are also committed to increasing the enthusiasm and engagement of our younger colleagues,” Pop-Busui, told Healio. “We are all very aware of the very high rate of burnout and significant burden that health care providers have faced in the last several years. Additionally, the challenges of delivery health care in this country are not at all trivial.”