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June 28, 2021
4 min watch

VIDEO: Efpeglenatide reduces risk for major adverse CV events in type 2 diabetes

In this video exclusive, Richard E. Pratley, MD, the Samuel E. Crockett chair in diabetes research and medical director of AdventHealth Diabetes Institute, announces results from the AMPLITUDE-O cardiovascular outcomes study of the exendin-based GLP-1 receptor agonist efpeglenatide.

Weekly injection with efpeglenatide resulted in reductions in HbA1c, blood pressure and BMI vs. placebo. It also was associated with a significant 27% reduction in risk for major adverse cardiovascular events among adults with type 2 diabetes at high risk for CVD “one of the most robust reductions in MACE events observed [in the GLP-1 class],” Pratley said.