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August 12, 2019
4 min watch

VIDEO: Population health transforms diabetes care

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HOUSTON — In this video exclusive, Teresa Pearson, MBA, MSN, RN, president and director of clinical services at Innovative Healthcare Designs in Minneapolis, and Joan Bardsley, MBA, BSN, RN, CDE, FAADE, assistant vice president of research and nursing integration at MedStar Health Research Institute and MedStar Corporate Nursing, speak with Endocrine Today Diabetes in Real Life columnist Susan Weiner, MS, RDN, CDE, FAADE, about the critical role population health is playing in diabetes care and education.

Bardsley defines population health and how it can be used to better individualize care, especially for groups who are most likely to develop diabetes and other chronic illnesses. She also outlines how diabetes care and education specialists can incorporate population health into their practice while Pearson describes how population health is reshaping diabetes care at a macro level.

Watch the video for more.