January 28, 2017
1 min read

ADA launches new site advocating insulin affordability

The American Diabetes Association has launched a new online hub supporting insulin affordability, including a petition calling for congressional action on the issue, the association announced in a press release.

The new site — www.makeinsulinaffordable.org — is part of the ADA Stand Up for Affordable Insulin initiative, launched in November. The site includes a petition calling for all stakeholders in the insulin supply chain to increase transparency, and for Congress to hold hearings that will help identify the reasons for recent dramatic price increases in insulin.

The site is designed to be a “resource, action center and story-sharing platform,” according to the organization, where people can learn about the issue and get more involved. The site also includes peer-reviewed research, news coverage about insulin affordability and other resources.

“Since mid-November, more than 150,000 people have signed our petition calling for urgent action by Congress and the insulin supply chain to make insulin affordable,” Desmond Schatz, MD, immediate past president for medicine and science for the ADA, said in a statement. “This overwhelming response confirms this issue is a critical concern for the diabetes community, and solidifies our commitment to ensuring insulin is affordable for all who need it.”