June 08, 2014
1 min read

Eight ways patients with diabetes can ensure safe travels

The American Association of Diabetes Educators has simplified travel safety for patients with diabetes who are faced with the challenge of managing their glucose levels while on the road or in the air.

Thinking ahead and setting a plan in place — like this one from the advocacy organization — can empower patients, ensure their safety and create a framework for enjoyable vacations all summer long, according to the AADE.

  1. Over-pack medication. AADE recommends patients bring enough to last 2 weeks, to leave room for unexpected travel delays and accidentally misplaced supplies, and request a back-up pump in case the original fails. Back-up prescriptions are also advised.
  2. Protect supplies. Rather than placing supplies in checked luggage or putting them in the trunk, AADE instructs patients to keep them within reach, and in their original packaging to avoid confusion or questions.
  3. Self-identify. Wearing a medical bracelet or necklace, or carrying a doctor’s note or health card with emergency contact, are simple ways for patients to let others know they have diabetes. AADE suggests learning essential phrases in foreign languages as well.
  4. Carry snacks and hypoglycemia treatment. Because low blood glucose can occur at any time, AADE recommends patients always carry with them plenty of healthy snacks, as well as glucose tablets or gel.
  5. Communicate pre-flight. Patients can notify Transportation Security Administration employees of their condition and also do homework ahead of time to learn the screening policies. AADE also warns patients who use vials/syringes about air pressure challenges.
  6. Test Often. Between different foods, activity and time zones, travel can lead to changes in glucose levels; AADE recommends patients test frequently and make a plan to adjust injecting schedule.
  7. Care for feet. AADE suggests that patients wear comfortable shoes and socks at all times and check their feet and ankles after walks for swelling. Compression stockings can counter swelling during flight, and pointing and flexing feet can improve blood flow.
  8. Prepare for a health emergency. Asking hotels to recommend local doctors who treat diabetes is a way for patients to stay a step ahead of an emergency. AADE advises patients to compile a list of English-speaking doctors prior to travel.

For More Information:
American Association of Diabetes Educators

Transportation Security Administration

International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers