June 15, 2009
1 min read

FDA issued public health advisory regarding stolen insulin

Stolen vials of long-acting insulin detemir from North Carolina have reappeared at a medical center in Houston. The FDA released a statement warning health care professionals and patients that the stolen insulin may be dangerous for patients to use, as it may not have been stored and handled properly.

Three lots — a total of 129,000 10 ml vials — of insulin detemir (Levemir, Novo Nordisk) were stolen. The lot numbers are XZF0036, XZF0037 and XZF0038.

The FDA has received one adverse report of poor control of glucose levels after a patient used a vial from one of the three stolen lots.

The agency has warned patients and providers not to use insulin if it is from one of the lots and instead replace it with a vial from another lot. The lot number is located on the side of the vial and also on the box of insulin.

For more information, visit the FDA or Novo Nordisk websites.