Issue: May 2011
May 01, 2011
1 min read

Abnormal glucose tolerance linked with endothelial dysfunction in setting of CAD

Issue: May 2011

American College of Cardiology 60th Annual Scientific Sessions

NEW ORLEANS – According to new research, endothelial dysfunction was associated with abnormal glucose tolerance in patients who had coronary artery disease and unknown diabetes.

Researchers from Kokura Memorial Hospital in Japan enrolled 93 consecutive patients with CAD (37 with ACS and 56 with stable angina), normal fasting glucose levels (<110 mg/dL and HbA1c <6.5%) who underwent successful PCI between March and December 2010. They then assessed glucose metabolism and endothelial function using a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test and flow-mediated dilatation of the brachial artery.

Results from the 75-g oral glucose tolerance test separated the patients into those with normal glucose (n=22), those with impaired glucose tolerance (n=43) and those with diabetes (n=28). Flow-mediated dilatation in the diabetes group was lower (4.1% ± 2.0%) than that reported in both the normal (4.9% ± 2.1%) and the impaired glucose tolerance (5.7% ± 2.1%) groups (P=.042). The researchers reported that only 2-hour postload glucose level was associated with flow-mediated dilatation (gamma2=.17, P=.039).

Endothelial dysfunction is associated with abnormal glucose tolerance, especially 2-hour post-load glucose level,” the researchers wrote in their abstract. “It indicates that early diagnosis and intervention for abnormal glucose tolerance may improve the endothelial dysfunction in patients with CAD and unknown diabetes mellitus.”

For more information:

  • Kuramitsu S. Poster 1007-119. Presented at: American College of Cardiology 60th Annual Scientific Sessions; April 2-5, 2011; New Orleans.

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