Alopecia Areata Video Perspectives

Luis Andres Garza, MD, PhD

Garza reports being an inventor of intellectual property for a treatment for alopecia areata that may become licensed.
October 11, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Racial disparities in alopecia areata follow trend seen in medicine overall


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

There's not a well-documented racial disparities for alopecia area. There's some diseases where it's much worse, you know, is there going to be maybe some racial disparities with alopecia treatment, maybe. So, it could be the folks who are more marginalized and have less direct access to easy, affordable health care; those people will have a later diagnosis. That's probably going to be true here. Also, it's like all, of all of medicine, it's a problem, but there's some conditions in medicine where it's even worse than what's, what's the average problem. Luckily, alopecia isn't one of those where it's more than the average. It's probably about average in terms of disparities way to try to address those are going to be, the way to try to improve healthcare for all Americans is improve access for all Americans, you know, decrease the cost of healthcare for all Americans, you know, giving access to folks who are new in the country and might not be as well connected as the rest of us and giving access for those folks as well. It is true that there's, there's not enough dermatologists too, in the country. So, and there, and there are parts of the country that have extreme deficiencies in their workforce for dermatology. You know, so there's some areas of like the Midwest and the south, in rural areas that have, you know, just like for a lot of medicine that there's decreased access to care, and it's a real problem. And there's probably going to be a delay for alopecia areata. For alopecia areata, it's going to be the same answers for all of medicine. Like just trying to not leave anybody behind and really make sure that everybody in the United States have access.