Fact checked byErik Swain

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December 24, 2024
1 min read

FDA clears novel at-home BP, pulse rate monitor

Fact checked byErik Swain
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Key takeaways:

  • The FDA cleared a novel BP and pulse rate monitor designed to improve the reliability of at-home measurement.
  • The device is cleared for adults with arm circumferences of 22 cm to 42 cm or 40 cm to 52 cm.

Withings Health Solutions announced its novel cellular BP monitor received FDA clearance to measure BP and pulse rate in adults with arm circumferences of 22 cm to 42 cm or 40 cm to 52 cm.

The device (BPM Pro 2) is designed to improve reliability of at-home BP measurements by continuously educating patients on how to take correct measurements, according to a company press release.

Generic FDA News infographic
The FDA cleared a novel BP and pulse rate monitor designed to improve the reliability of at-home measurement. Image: Adobe Stock

The device includes an interactive feature with customized questions intended to capture information such as symptoms, medication adherence and screening questionnaires to improve understanding of each at-home BP reading and reduce clinical workloads.

The device also includes a feature designed to prompt patients to retake a BP reading if the first reading exceeds certain thresholds; it is intended to reduce follow-up calls and improve measurement reliability, according to the release.

In addition, the device is designed to sync patients’ data to their health care team’s own clinical platform via cellular service. WiFi and Bluetooth options for patient living in areas without reliable cellular service, according to the release.

“We are thrilled BPM Pro 2 is now FDA-cleared, this device marks a significant advancement in remote patient monitoring,” Antoine Robiliard, vice president of Withings Health Solutions, said in the release. “BPM Pro 2 not only delivers precise, clinically meaningful blood pressure and pulse rate measurements but also empowers care teams with real-time insights and direct patient engagement tools.”