Fact checked byKatie Kalvaitis

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February 02, 2024
2 min read

Updates in women’s heart health: low statin use; women in CV fellowships; and more

Fact checked byKatie Kalvaitis

The first Friday in February is Wear Red Day. In support of increasing awareness of women’s heart health, Healio | Cardiology Today compiled a list of recent news and updates on women and CVD research.

Updates include a Healio Exclusive on the use of statin therapy among women; irregular menstruation cycles and CV risk in younger women; representation of women in CV fellowships; and more.

doctor holding a cartoon heart
The first Friday in February is Wear Red Day. In support of increasing awareness of women’s heart health, Healio | Cardiology Today compiled a list of recent news and updates on women and CVD research.
Image: Adobe Stock

Women with atherosclerotic CVD aren’t taking statins as often as men. Why?

The latest Healio Exclusive looked at navigating statin intolerance. Decades of data demonstrate the benefits of statin therapy for people at high CV risk, yet many patients — particularly women — are not treated with statins. Healio spoke with experts in the field to determine why. Read more

Menstrual cycle disorders tied to increasing CVD risk in young women, teens

Two common reproductive health conditions, dysmenorrhea and polycystic ovary syndrome, are associated with increasing CVD risk in women, according to research presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions. Read more

Women in CV fellowships on the rise; not so among other underrepresented groups

Representation of women in CV fellowships has significantly improved in the past decade, whereas Black and Hispanic representation remained stagnant, but recent trends may indicate improvement on the horizon, researchers reported. Read more

Statins could mitigate clotting risk in women at menopausal age on hormone therapy

Statin therapy could lower the odds of blood clot formation conferred by hormone therapy in perimenopausal women, according to a case-control study published in JAMA Network Open. Read more

Remote blood pressure intervention in first few weeks after pregnancy yields long-term benefit

In a new trial, remote self-monitoring of BP and physician-guided titration of medication after a hypertensive pregnancy lowered BP during the first 9 months postpartum more than usual care. Read more

Women’s stress levels, but not depression levels, vary by heart attack subtype

Researchers observed lower levels of perceived stress among women with MI with nonobstructive coronary arteries vs. those with MI and CAD, but similar prevalence of depressive symptoms. Read more

Chronic hypertension increases CVD risk as early as 1 month after childbirth

Postpartum women with chronic hypertension have an increased risk for CVD within the first year after childbirth, according to results published in Obstetrics & Gynecology. Read more

Increased stroke risks for US Black women reporting experiences of racism

Black women in the U.S. who reported experiencing interpersonal racism in employment, housing and police interactions had increased risk for stroke, according to findings published in JAMA Network Open. Read more

Preeclampsia linked to long-term venous thromboembolism risk during, after pregnancy

Preeclampsia was associated with a significantly increased venous thromboembolism risk during pregnancy and beyond 6 weeks postpartum, according to an observational cohort study published in JAMA Network Open. Read more

History of infertility tied to midlife women’s cardiovascular health

Infertility history was associated with lower overall and biomedical CV health scores among women who had a singleton birth, researchers reported in JAMA Network Open. Read more