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Pamela Kunz, MD

Kunz leads the gastrointestinal cancers program and directs gastrointestinal medical oncology at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Cancer Center, where she is also an associate professor of medicine/oncology.

Most recent by Pamela Kunz, MD

February 24, 2021
1 min watch

VIDEO: Meet the Women in Oncology board – Pamela Kunz, MD

Pamela Kunz, MD, said she became interested in joining the Women in Oncology Peer Perspective Board because the initiative can provide a platform for women to share experiences and advance research.

December 22, 2020
3 min watch

VIDEO: Early career goals should include developing mentor networks, defining values

Pamela Kunz, MD, provides two pieces of advice for women starting in oncology that she wishes she had known as a trainee and during her time as a junior faculty member.