University Of Washington
Growing incidence of Merkel cell carcinoma draws researchers’ attention
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance opens its doors to share its cellular therapy experience

The Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, the clinical care partner of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, has been at the forefront of cellular therapies for cancer treatment since the field emerged. It was there where E. Donnall Thomas, MD, and his team pioneered the use of bone marrow transplant during the 1970s and SCCA’s position remains unchanged in the field of cellular therapies as its research and clinical staff have administered more CAR T-cell therapies to patients than any other facility in the world.
Human herpesvirus 6B linked to increased mortality among certain HSCT recipients

Detection of human herpesvirus 6B in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid appeared associated with higher risk for mortality among allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients with lower respiratory tract disease, according to results of a retrospective, single-center study published in Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Clinical trial participation studies show possible survival benefit, misconceptions of patient concerns
Moving residences in first trimester may increase risk for adverse birth outcomes
Infants born to mothers in Washington state who moved during the first trimester were more likely to be born preterm and have low birth weight, according to findings published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. Researchers suggested that providers consider screening patients for plans to move.
Lumpers, Splitters, and the Move Toward New Taxonomy for Rheumatology

Historians attribute Philip II of Macedon — father of Alexander the Great — as the source of the motto and political principle known as “divide and conquer.” As a ruling technique, the maxim worked, with Phillip ultimately ruling over most of classical Greece; a success that would be repeated with Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte in the centuries to follow.