Thyroid Nodule
Microwave ablation ‘safe and effective technique’ at treating large benign thyroid nodules
Repeat TSH testing ‘likely not necessary’ after detection of benign thyroid nodules
Malignancy more likely for isthmus thyroid nodules vs. other locations
Updated detection guidelines drive decrease in US thyroid cancer incidence

An analysis of U.S. registry data suggests that rates of thyroid cancer have plateaued in recent years after decades on the rise, with researchers pointing to stricter guidelines limiting the indications for fine-needle aspiration for thyroid nodules as a reason for the trend, according to findings published in JAMA.
AI could eliminate biopsies, change diagnosis of thyroid nodules — top stories in endocrinology
Future of thyroid nodule classification driven by AI, machine learning as support tools
Cancer incidence not always the best measure of cancer trends

Cancer incidence rates represent one key measure of progress in the fight against cancer, but they are not the only consideration. According to a special report published in The New England Journal of Medicine, concordance between incidence and mortality rates provides a more complete picture of cancer burden.
VIDEO: AI for thyroid images ‘not quite ready’
CHICAGO — In this video exclusive, Endocrine Today Editorial Board Member Stephanie L. Lee, MD, PhD, FACE, ECNU, professor of medicine and director of thyroid health in the section of endocrinology, diabetes and nutrition at Boston Medical Center, discusses machine-learning programs for assessing thyroid nodules.
Hospital search engines ineffective for finding thyroid surgeons
Hemithyroidectomies becoming more popular treatment for malignant thyroid cancer

CHICAGO— Adults with thyroid cancer have been treated more frequently with hemithyroidectomy and are receiving fewer completion procedures, particularly after the 2015 update to the guideline from the American Thyroid Association, according to findings presented at the annual meeting of the American Thyroid Association.