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Thyroid Nodule

September 15, 2019
2 min read

Unique thyroid nodule procedure provides benefit without hassle

Unique thyroid nodule procedure provides benefit without hassle

Patients with noncancerous thyroid nodules may have a new treatment option as Mount Sinai West introduced a radiofrequency ablation procedure in August, according to a press release.

August 29, 2019
3 min read

Most detected thyroid microcarcinomas do not lead to surgery, suggesting overdiagnosis

Most detected thyroid microcarcinomas do not lead to surgery, suggesting overdiagnosis

Thyroid microcarcinomas are more likely than larger cancers to be discovered by ultrasound and less likely to be associated with surgery scheduled for known thyroid cancer, according to findings from a large, population-based study that included patient-reported data.

August 23, 2019
3 min read

Mandatory iodine fortification reduces overt thyrotoxicosis in Denmark

Mandatory iodine fortification reduces overt thyrotoxicosis in Denmark

The overall standardized incidence rate of overt thyrotoxicosis in Denmark decreased by 50% after more than a decade of mandatory iodine fortification in the country without an increase in the overall incidence of sustained, overt hypothyroidism, according to findings published in Clinical Endocrinology.

August 08, 2019
2 min read

Thyroid nodules increase cancer risk in Graves’ disease

Thyroid nodules increase cancer risk in Graves’ disease

The preoperative detection of thyroid nodules was associated with a higher prevalence of thyroid cancer in patients with Graves’ disease, according to a meta-analysis of observational studies published in Clinical Endocrinology.

July 22, 2019
2 min read

Malignant thyroid nodules more common in children vs. adults

Malignant thyroid nodules more common in children vs. adults

The system used to assess malignancy risk in thyroid nodules yields higher malignancy rates in children than in adults, and this may call for new treatment strategies for some types of nodules based on age, according to findings published in Thyroid.

July 17, 2019
3 min read

Thyroid nodule or cancer? Disease label impacts patient perceptions, treatment preferences

Thyroid nodule or cancer? Disease label impacts patient perceptions, treatment preferences

Use of the word “cancer” to describe low-risk malignant neoplasms influenced patient treatment preference regardless of risks or prognosis, according to study results published in JAMA Oncology.

September 04, 2015
2 min read

Guidelines provide insight on management of thyroid nodules

In 2010, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the Associazione Medici Endocrinologi and the European Thyroid Association published a set of guidelines for the diagnosis and management of thyroid nodules.

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