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October 17, 2022
2 min read

Use of EHR integrated sepsis model did not impact time to antibiotics for sepsis in ED

Use of EHR integrated sepsis model did not impact time to antibiotics for sepsis in ED

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Use of an electronic health record integrated sepsis model did not impact time to antibiotics for patients with sepsis in the emergency department, according to a study presented at the CHEST Annual Meeting.

August 25, 2022
2 min read

Age, PaO2:FiO2 ratio simple predictors of prognosis in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

Age, PaO2:FiO2 ratio simple predictors of prognosis in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

The performance of prognostic models for COVID-19 is modest, but simple predictors like age and the ratio of arterial partial pressure of oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen may useful as stand-alone predictors, researchers reported.

July 26, 2022
2 min read

Systematic racial differences exist in ICU admission among certain ethnicities

Systematic racial differences exist in ICU admission among certain ethnicities

In a new study, researchers reported systematic racial differences in ICU admission patterns among patients with acute respiratory failure and sepsis who are Asian, Pacific Islander and Hispanic.

April 22, 2022
2 min read

Partial pressure of oxygen on admission linked to mortality in pediatric ICU patients

Partial pressure of oxygen on admission linked to mortality in pediatric ICU patients

A new study showed a link between partial pressure of oxygen at admission and mortality in pediatric ICU patients and other critically ill subgroups, researchers reported at the Society of Critical Care Medicine Congress.

February 18, 2022
45 min listen

Holding onto Hope During a Pandemic with Hassan Khouli, MD

Holding onto Hope During a Pandemic with Hassan Khouli, MD

In this episode, I sit down with Hassan Khouli, MD, to discuss his personal and professional journey into medicine, keeping hope in the midst of the pandemic, and the importance of human connection with both patients and colleagues.

December 10, 2021
3 min read

Triage to ICU or ward for sepsis, acute respiratory failure may optimize outcomes for some

Triage to ICU or ward for sepsis, acute respiratory failure may optimize outcomes for some

In a new study, high-acuity patients with sepsis not requiring life support in the ED who were admitted directly to the ward, compared with ICU, had shorter length of stay and improved survival.

November 24, 2021
4 min read

Should G-CSF be used to boost the immune system in patients with cancer and sepsis?

In certain settings.

November 24, 2021
12 min read

Early recognition, prevention strategies could reduce costly burden of sepsis in patients with cancer

Early recognition, prevention strategies could reduce costly burden of sepsis in patients with cancer

Sepsis is a leading cause of preventable death across the globe, and patients with cancer have a 10 times higher likelihood of developing this life-threatening condition than those without cancer.

October 27, 2021
2 min read

One-third of patients with TB-destroyed lung may have postoperative complications

One-third of patients with TB-destroyed lung may have postoperative complications

Approximately one-third of patients with tuberculosis-destroyed lung experienced postoperative complications, with certain subgroups at higher risk, according to new data published in BMC Pulmonary Medicine.

September 13, 2021
2 min read

10 stories for the 10th annual World Sepsis Day

10 stories for the 10th annual World Sepsis Day

Monday marks the 10th annual World Sepsis Day, an initiative established in 2012 by the nonprofit Global Sepsis Alliance to raise awareness of sepsis, which kills at least 11 million people each year worldwide.

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