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Rotator Cuff Tear

May 18, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Speaker addresses use of autologous tissue in orthobiologic surgery

VIDEO: Speaker addresses use of autologous tissue in orthobiologic surgery

NEW ORLEANS — In this video, Brian J. Cole, MD, MBA, FAANA, discusses the possible use of autologous tissue for orthobiologic surgery.

April 24, 2023
1 min read

Speaker: Patient age has no effect on outcomes of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

Speaker: Patient age has no effect on outcomes of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

LAS VEGAS — According to presented results, arthroscopic rotator cuff repair yielded significantly improved outcomes for patients of all ages with massive rotator cuff tears.

April 19, 2023
10 min read

Surgeons navigate options for massive rotator cuff tears

Surgeons navigate options for massive rotator cuff tears

Defined as a tear greater than 5 cm in the anterior-posterior dimension or a complete tear of two or more rotator cuff tendons, a massive rotator cuff tear can be caused by traumatic injuries or degeneration of the tendons.

April 19, 2023
5 min read

Do data support the continued use of SCR for massive rotator cuff treatment?

Do data support the continued use of SCR for massive rotator cuff treatment?

The most common procedures for the surgical management of irreparable cuff tears include partial repair, SCR, the subacromial balloon, reverse shoulder arthroplasty and tendon transfers, particularly lower trapezius transfers.

January 19, 2023
4 min read

Randomized controlled trials: Read more than just the abstract

Randomized controlled trials: Read more than just the abstract

Randomized controlled trials sit atop the research triangle as the best-quality evidence available in medical research. Using the best method to randomly assign patients in a trial is critical to account for sample size and multiple covariables.

January 11, 2023
3 min read

Certain groups of patients benefit most from RSA for massive rotator cuff tears

Certain groups of patients benefit most from RSA for massive rotator cuff tears

KOLOA, Hawaii — Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for massive rotator cuff tears is indicated for patients who are aged 70 years or older, patients with pseudoparalysis or patients who are aged 65 or older with arthritis, a presenter said.

January 10, 2023
3 min watch

VIDEO: Consider many factors in treatment of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears

VIDEO: Consider many factors in treatment of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears

KOLOA, Hawaii — In this video from Orthopedics Today Hawaii, Xavier A. Duralde, MD, spoke about the treatment of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears.

October 10, 2022
1 min read

Partial arthroscopic repair yielded good outcomes for patients with rotator cuff tears

Partial arthroscopic repair yielded good outcomes for patients with rotator cuff tears

ATLANTA — Presented results showed patients undergoing partial arthroscopic repair of massive rotator cuff tears had positive long-term clinical and radiological outcomes with minimal complications and low revision rates.

August 26, 2022
1 min read

Rotator cuff delamination had greater tendon retraction, higher fatty muscle infiltration

Rotator cuff delamination had greater tendon retraction, higher fatty muscle infiltration

Published results showed delaminated rotator cuff tears had significantly greater tendon retraction and a higher amount of fatty muscle infiltration of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus.

July 15, 2022
4 min read

Atraumatic deltoid rupture with massive rotator cuff tear amenable to primary repair

Atraumatic deltoid rupture with massive rotator cuff tear amenable to primary repair

Ruptures of the deltoid muscle tendon are rare injuries that are infrequently reported in the literature.

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