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Private Equity

January 30, 2020
11 min read

Physician perspective: Decision-making in the private equity era

Physician perspective: Decision-making in the private equity era

The Open Your Eyes to Private Equity 2019 meeting hosted a panel of physicians who have chosen a private equity transaction and those who have not to discuss their decision-making process.

January 30, 2020
2 min read

Quick Look: Defining private equity

In the fast-paced environment of private equity, there are terms every physician should know. Here is a quick-reference guide to those terms and their definitions, compiled with insight from Candace S. Simerson, FASOA, COE, CMPE, president of iCandy Consulting LLC, and Shareef Mahdavi, president of SM2 Strategic.

January 30, 2020
3 min read

Following the winds of private equity in ophthalmology

Following the winds of private equity in ophthalmology

As health care faces continued reform, an aging population and an overall labor shortage, ophthalmology is uniquely positioned to be desirable to investors in the private equity realm, bringing questions and challenges with the opportunity.

January 28, 2020
3 min read

Private equity, burnout, decreasing revenue affect private practice

MAUI, HAWAII — In a discussion hosted by the Women’s Dermatologic Society, panelists aligned with private equity-backed groups focused on whether independent dermatology practices can survive given the impact of private equity, burnout and diminishing revenue.

November 17, 2019
4 min watch

VIDEO: Strategist considers pros, cons of private equity

VIDEO: Strategist considers pros, cons of private equity

NEW YORK — At the Open Your Eyes to Private Equity meeting preceding OSN New York 2019, Shareef Mahdavi, president of SM2 Strategic, discusses the importance of weighing the benefits and drawbacks of a private equity partnership.

November 16, 2019
2 min watch

VIDEO: ‘Arc of material’ presented at private equity meeting

VIDEO: ‘Arc of material’ presented at private equity meeting

NEW YORK — At the Open Your Eyes to Private Equity meeting preceding OSN New York 2019, moderator John B. Pinto discusses the inaugural event, featuring “a whole arc of material, from basic to intermediate to advanced” presented in discussions on how ophthalmologists are affected through private equity partnerships.

November 15, 2019
3 min read

Guy Adami: Trust your instincts, do not be afraid to take risks

NEW YORK — Knowing his audience consisted of ophthalmologists who are evaluating if private equity is right for them, trader and TV personality Guy Adami shared his philosophy for business and thoughts on current market forces.

November 15, 2019
1 min watch

VIDEO: ‘Window is open’ for private equity

VIDEO: ‘Window is open’ for private equity

NEW YORK — Richard L. Lindstrom, MD, discusses how private equity investments in ophthalmology could be beneficial to practice owners at the Open Your Eyes to Private Equity meeting preceding OSN New York 2019.

November 15, 2019
1 min watch

VIDEO: Open Your Eyes to Private Equity offers information, education

VIDEO: Open Your Eyes to Private Equity offers information, education

NEW YORK — At the Open Your Eyes to Private Equity meeting preceding OSN New York 2019, Jim Mazzo, global president of ophthalmic devices at Carl Zeiss Meditec, discusses how the symposium is helpful to those interested in private equity investment.

November 13, 2019
1 min read

BLOG: Seven questions to ask when considering private equity

I’m heading East to participate in the Healio event “Open Your Eyes to Private Equity” as a panelist tomorrow afternoon just ahead of the OSN New York meeting.

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