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November 13, 2019
1 min read

BLOG: Seven questions to ask when considering private equity

I’m heading East to participate in the Healio event “Open Your Eyes to Private Equity” as a panelist tomorrow afternoon just ahead of the OSN New York meeting.

Here are seven key questions every doctor should consider as they learn more about options for the future of their practice.

1. Motivation : What’s the goal in selling?

2. Control: Can you handle emotionally having less control?

3. Expertise: Are you willing to recognize and hire resources to help?

4. Younger physicians: Can you achieve alignment across generations?

5. Practice health: Is your practice ready financially and culturally?

6. Market dynamics: Will your practice be attractive to buyers?

7. Tax efficiency: Have you fully explored how to optimize and reduce tax exposure?

This is a fast-moving market, and I am glad to be part of the discussion. More than 200 doctors are expected to attend, so it should be a great learning event for all.


Disclosure: As president of SM2 Strategic, Mahdavi can be reached via his firm’s website or office 925-425-9900.