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Peripheral Artery Disease

November 15, 2020
2 min read

Home-based, high-intensity exercise improves walking performance in PAD

Home-based, high-intensity exercise improves walking performance in PAD

Adults with peripheral artery disease who participated in a high-intensity, home-based walking exercise program for 12 months experienced improvements in measures of walking impairment vs. low intensity and controls, a speaker reported.

November 10, 2020
2 min read

Bioabsorbable scaffold benefits high-risk patients with infrapopliteal disease

Bioabsorbable scaffold benefits high-risk patients with infrapopliteal disease

In a pooled analysis of three single-center studies, a bioresorbable scaffold was associated with high rates of patency and low rates of adverse events at 2 years in high-risk patients with infrapopliteal artery lesions.

November 09, 2020
2 min read

Pooled analysis shows no 4-year mortality risk with low-dose PCB

Pooled analysis shows no 4-year mortality risk with low-dose PCB

In a pooled analysis of two randomized controlled trials of a low-dose paclitaxel-coated balloon to treat peripheral artery disease, there was no mortality difference between the paclitaxel-coated balloon and an uncoated balloon at 4 years.

November 08, 2020
2 min read

Drug-coated devices associated with less unplanned limb revascularization: VOYAGER PAD

Drug-coated devices associated with less unplanned limb revascularization: VOYAGER PAD

Among patients with peripheral artery disease who had an endovascular procedure, treatment with a drug-coated device was linked to lower risk for unplanned limb revascularization, according to new data from the VOYAGER PAD trial.

November 07, 2020
2 min read

Intravascular lithotripsy superior to PTA in patients with calcified PAD

Intravascular lithotripsy superior to PTA in patients with calcified PAD

In patients with calcified peripheral artery lesions treated with a drug-coated balloon, those who were pretreated with intravascular lithotripsy had better procedural outcomes than those pretreated with angioplasty, a speaker said at VIVA.

November 06, 2020
2 min read

DCB remains effective in real-world PAD population at 5 years

DCB remains effective in real-world PAD population at 5 years

In a real-world population of patients with peripheral artery disease treated with a drug-coated balloon, nearly 70% remained free from clinically driven target lesion revascularization at 5 years, according to data presented at VIVA 20.

November 02, 2020
1 min read

FDA approves new drug-coated balloon for PAD

FDA approves new drug-coated balloon for PAD

Boston Scientific announced the FDA has approved the Ranger drug-coated balloon for the treatment peripheral artery disease in the superficial femoral artery and proximal popliteal artery.

October 21, 2020
1 min read

ILLUMENATE Global: DCB safe, effective in real-world cohort at 4 years

ILLUMENATE Global: DCB safe, effective in real-world cohort at 4 years

A low-dose paclitaxel-coated balloon was safe and effective at 4 years in real-world patients with peripheral artery disease, according to the ILLUMENATE Global results presented at the virtual TCT Connect.

October 18, 2020
3 min read

No sign of paclitaxel-related mortality risk in VOYAGER PAD cohort

No sign of paclitaxel-related mortality risk in VOYAGER PAD cohort

At 3.5 years after lower-extremity revascularization, there was no difference in mortality in the VOYAGER PAD cohort between patients with peripheral artery disease treated with paclitaxel-coated devices and those not treated with them.

September 27, 2020
2 min read

PAD Awareness Month calls attention to amputation risks, screening, treatments

PAD Awareness Month calls attention to amputation risks, screening, treatments

September is Peripheral Artery Disease Awareness Month, designed to improve access to screening and treatments for patients with PAD.

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