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Myocardial Infarction

September 11, 2023
3 min read

AI-identified CAC via routine CT scan may reveal risk for heart attack, stroke

AI-identified CAC via routine CT scan may reveal risk for heart attack, stroke

Routine CT scans could serve as a useful tool to identify patients at high risk for atherosclerotic CVD when paired with a deep learning algorithm that calculated coronary artery calcium scores, researchers reported.

August 26, 2023
2 min read

FIRE: Complete revascularization benefits older patients with MI, multivessel disease

FIRE: Complete revascularization benefits older patients with MI, multivessel disease

In patients aged 75 years or older with MI and multivessel CAD, physiology-guided complete revascularization improved outcomes compared with treating the culprit lesion only, according to the results of the FIRE trial.

August 16, 2023
2 min read

Chest pain 1 year after heart attack points to worse long-term survival

Chest pain 1 year after heart attack points to worse long-term survival

Moderate to extreme chest pain reported 1 year after an MI may be indicative of increased mortality risk, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

July 24, 2023
3 min read

Excess heart attack mortality occurs during heat waves, days of poor air quality in China

Excess heart attack mortality occurs during heat waves, days of poor air quality in China

Researchers in China estimated that nearly 3% of all MI deaths in Jiangsu province during a 5-year period could be attributed to a combination of extreme temperature exposure and poor air quality.

July 18, 2023
2 min read

Heart benefits of ‘weekend warrior’ physical activity similar to everyday exercise

Heart benefits of ‘weekend warrior’ physical activity similar to everyday exercise

People who concentrate physical activity into 1 to 2 days per week — so-called “weekend warriors” — derive CV benefits that are similar to those who spread exercise activity more evenly throughout the week, researchers reported.

July 17, 2023
1 min read

FDA designates recall of troponin tests producing false-negative MI results as class I

FDA designates recall of troponin tests producing false-negative MI results as class I

The FDA announced that it has designated a recall of blood tests for cardiac troponin shown to produce false negatives for MI as class I, the most serious kind.

July 17, 2023
2 min read

Testosterone therapy increases CVD risks for cisgender women, but not transgender adults

Testosterone therapy increases CVD risks for cisgender women, but not transgender adults

Testosterone use increases risks for cardiovascular disease, coronary artery disease and stroke among cisgender women, but not among transgender adults, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

July 06, 2023
2 min read

Single high-sensitivity troponin I test below 2 ng/L rules out MI in early presenters

Single high-sensitivity troponin I test below 2 ng/L rules out MI in early presenters

One high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I measurement under the limit of detection — 2 ng/L — may be enough to rule out MI with high sensitivity among patients who present within 12 hours of symptom onset, researchers reported.

June 29, 2023
2 min read

Trial of vitamin D supplementation raises questions about CV effects on older adults

Trial of vitamin D supplementation raises questions about CV effects on older adults

In a trial of more than 20,000 older adults, vitamin D supplementation trended toward reducing risk for major CV events in older adults compared with placebo, a finding differing from previous studies.

June 24, 2023
4 min read

‘Simply stunning’: Bempedoic acid may cut CVD risk for primary prevention patients by 30%

‘Simply stunning’: Bempedoic acid may cut CVD risk for primary prevention patients by 30%

SAN DIEGO — In adults with elevated cardiovascular risk but without a prior clinical event and deemed statin intolerant, bempedoic acid reduced risk for major adverse CV events by 30% compared with placebo, researchers reported.

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