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Michigan State University

February 07, 2022
3 min read

BLOG: The University Place Hotel — How I got into my fellowship program

BLOG: The University Place Hotel —  How I got into my fellowship program

This picture is an old one I took myself of the University Place Hotel. I stayed there overnight for the interview for my endocrinology fellowship in the fall of 1993.

February 01, 2022
3 min read

BLOG: ‘Omicron will find just about everybody’ and it has just found me

BLOG: ‘Omicron will find just about everybody’ and it has just found me

On January 12, Dr. Anthony Fauci told us: “The highly contagious omicron variant will find just about everybody.”

December 29, 2021
7 min read

Endocrinologists propose diabetes fellowship programs to address growing gap in care

Endocrinologists propose diabetes fellowship programs to address growing gap in care

The incidence of diabetes in the United States continues to rise, straining an overburdened health care system that already reflects a shortage of endocrinologists who specialize in the disease.

November 09, 2021
2 min read

BLOG: My patients, my heroes — a type 1 diabetes milestone

BLOG: My patients, my heroes — a type 1 diabetes milestone

Susan was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes half a century ago, at age 2 years. Management in the decades since has certainly changed, yet she has thrived.

October 08, 2021
3 min read

BLOG: Music is medicine for the soul

BLOG: Music is medicine for the soul

A few months ago, I was having lunch at Sparrow Hospital when I heard someone playing the grand piano that sits in the hallway outside the cafeteria, on the way to the emergency room.

September 24, 2021
3 min read

BLOG: Memories from my father

BLOG: Memories from my father

During my recent visit to Jordan, my brother’s family showed me some of the belongings of our late father. What caught my eyes was his old glucose meter (Figures). The device may be 15 years old.

September 20, 2021
3 min read

BLOG: Too many PCR tests

BLOG: Too many PCR tests

My family and I took a trip to Turkey and Jordan during the second and third weeks of August. This trip was planned earlier in the spring; we were not sure at the time if we would ever be able to make it due to COVID-19.

August 20, 2021
3 min read

BLOG: My patients, my heroes — ‘Doc, I believe in science’

BLOG: My patients, my heroes — ‘Doc, I believe in science’

“Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine, Vernon?”

August 06, 2021
3 min read

Embracing empathy in medicine: A conversation with Saleh Aldasouqi, MD

Embracing empathy in medicine: A conversation with Saleh Aldasouqi, MD

Saleh Aldasouqi, MD, never saw himself as a writer — and initially, not as an endocrinologist — until he learned how much he enjoyed telling stories that show the human side of practicing medicine.

August 06, 2021
2 min read

BLOG: The thyroid ‘supermoon’

BLOG: The thyroid ‘supermoon’

For my inaugural post for this blog in November 2016, I wrote about the spectacular sight of the closest full supermoon since January 1948. It was a special occasion for me, generally and personally.

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