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January 04, 2023
1 min read

Study: 20% of patients with kidney disease, no Medicare used antiplatelets on dialysis

Study: 20% of patients with kidney disease, no Medicare used antiplatelets on dialysis

Researchers found one-fifth of patients with kidney disease who do not have Medicare have used an antiplatelet and/or anticoagulant during hemodialysis, according to data published in Kidney Medicine.

December 27, 2022
2 min read

Medicare physician payment cuts threaten access to health care

Medicare physician payment cuts threaten access to health care

The American Academy of Family Physicians said it is “disappointed” that the end-of-year congressional spending bill “fails to adequately address outdated Medicare physician payment.”

December 21, 2022
1 min read

AAOS issues statement on impending Medicare physician payment cuts in 2023

AAOS issues statement on impending Medicare physician payment cuts in 2023

The American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons has issued a follow-up statement to Congress on the recently released omnibus package, which proposes payment cuts for Medicare physicians in 2023, according to a press release.

December 20, 2022
1 min read

Congress unveils bipartisan bill that would extend telehealth flexibilities for 2 years

Congress unveils bipartisan bill that would extend telehealth flexibilities for 2 years

Congress has revealed a bipartisan omnibus appropriations bill that would extend Medicare telehealth provisions implemented during the COVID-19 public health emergency until Dec. 31, 2024, according to the American Telemedicine Association.

December 14, 2022
2 min read

CMS releases final rule for expanded immunosuppressive drug coverage

CMS releases final rule for expanded immunosuppressive drug coverage

Patients with a kidney transplant who are younger than 65 years qualify for expanded immunosuppressive drug coverage starting Jan. 1, 2023.

December 14, 2022
2 min read

Inclusion of nursing home status in metric yields better results for dialysis stakeholders

Inclusion of nursing home status in metric yields better results for dialysis stakeholders

Researchers of a study in Kidney Medicine recommend the Dialysis Facility Report use a new nursing home metric that separates short-term from long-term care in order to provide more interpretable results for dialysis stakeholders.

December 09, 2022
2 min read

Cervical cancer screening decreased among older women but may remain higher than needed

Cervical cancer screening decreased among older women but may remain higher than needed

Despite decreases in cervical cancer screenings between 1999 and 2019 among older women with Medicare fee-for-service coverage, this group may be overspending on screening-related services, according to data in JAMA Internal Medicine.

December 08, 2022
4 min read

Top medical groups ask Congress to prioritize Medicare payments, mental health and more

Top medical groups ask Congress to prioritize Medicare payments, mental health and more

A joint letter from six major medical organizations calls on Congress to ensure patients can access affordable, quality health care.

December 08, 2022
1 min read

RPA, ASN, join medical societies in asking Congress to reduce impact of Medicare pay cuts

RPA, ASN, join medical societies in asking Congress to reduce impact of Medicare pay cuts

The Renal Physicians Association, the American Society of Nephrology and more than 100 other medical groups have sent a letter to Congress asking legislators to limit the impact of a planned cut in Medicare payments to physicians.

December 08, 2022
2 min read

CMS proposes rule to streamline prior authorization, require justification for denials

CMS proposes rule to streamline prior authorization, require justification for denials

CMS has proposed new rules intended to improve access to health information and “streamline” processes that are involved with prior authorization, according to a press release from the agency.

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