Major Depressive Disorder
Treatments lacking to address impact of irritability on mental health, experts say
Pediatricians play ‘critical’ role in care of transgender youths
‘Trial and error’ treatment approach for major depressive disorder has pros and cons, experts say

“We have known for quite some time that people who receive treatment for mental disorders often stop one kind of treatment and then start another, presumably searching for help that they did not receive from the first treatment provider,” Ronald C. Kessler, PhD, of the department of health care policy at Harvard Medical School, told Healio Psychiatry. “We wanted to know how long it took typical patients to find helpful treatment and how often patients never found helpful treatment.”
Researchers report outcome predictors of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for MDD
Measures of depression symptom severity, employment status and refractoriness appeared to predict outcomes of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, or rTMS, among individuals with major depressive disorder, according to an analysis of a randomized noninferiority trial published in EClinicalMedicine.
Addressing depression can improve quality of life, treatment outlook among patients with lung cancer
Researchers find replicable neuroimaging features for MDD

Major depressive disorder exhibits spatially convergent structural and functional brain abnormalities, suggesting replicable neuroimaging features associated with the disorder, according to results of a meta-analysis published in American Journal of Psychiatry. This association goes beyond the transdiagnostic effects reported in previous meta-analyses and supports research focused on brain regions linked to depression, researchers noted.
Top stories in psychiatry: Role of hopelessness overestimated in suicidal ideation, ‘effortful behavior’ predicts depression relapse
Identifying individual response factors to antidepressants may help tailor MDD treatment
Depression, anxiety, trauma linked to cannabis use in pregnancy
Research has overestimated role of hopelessness in suicidal ideation

Hopelessness is likely a driving factor for suicidal ideation in patients with depressive disorder, largely because it covaries with depressive symptoms, according to study findings published in Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. However, researchers noted that severity of depressive symptoms may predict suicidal ideation more accurately than hopelessness.