Hip Fracture
Recovery, length of stay correlated with mobility, self-care outcomes after hip fracture surgery
Romosozumab did not improve outcomes in patients with hip fractures
Speaker: Reduced urinary, delirium issues are among benefits of early hip fracture surgery

PHOENIX — At the Orthopaedic Research Society Annual Meeting, here, investigator and cardiologist Philip J. Devereaux, MD, said accelerated surgery that occurred within 6 hours of a low-energy hip fracture was not associated with any lower risk of mortality or any fewer major complications than standard hip fracture care, which involved surgery performed 24 hours after the fracture.
Tramadol use increases hip fracture risk
Newly diagnosed cases of SLE at 62% increased risk for hip fracture
Frailty index correlated with increased mortality in patients with intertrochanteric femur fractures
According to study results, the mortality frailty index correlated with 30-day morbidity and mortality in patients who were 50 years old or older with intertrochanteric femur fractures. Investigators found the strongest predictor of increased 30-day morbidity and mortality after surgical treatment of the intertrochanteric femur fractures was a modified frailty index of 0.27 or more.
Retrograde transpubic screws for pelvic fractures had low complication rates

DENVER — In elderly patients with high energy or fragility fractures of the pelvis, use of retrograde transpubic screws may yield good clinical results with lower or similar complication rates to alternative methods of anterior pelvic ring fixation, according to results presented at the Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting, here.