Hip Fracture
VIDEO: Elderly patients should be mobilized early to reduce mortality risks
Fascia iliac blocks may reduce opioid use in patients with hip fractures
Vertebral fracture assessment improves initiation of osteoporosis therapies

Identifying prevalent vertebral fractures on lateral spine images at the time of a bone density test influenced the subsequent use of osteoporosis therapies among patients, with the greatest impact observed among patients without osteoporosis by bone mineral density criteria, according to findings published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research.
Patients may safely continue antiplatelet medication during urgent hip fracture surgery
Patients who received antiplatelet medication and underwent urgent surgery for hip fractures were not significantly different than patients who did not receive antiplatelet medication with regard to total blood loss, transfusion or 1-year mortality rates, according to recently published results. Researchers said the findings may indicate that patients can undergo urgent hip fracture surgery without drug cessation.