Q&A: 17-member coalition aims to speak with ‘one voice’ on STIs
Top 10 most-read Infectious Disease News stories of 2019
Study finds high rates of STIs among new and persistent PrEP users

Almost one-quarter of patients who initiate pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, for HIV prevention have at least one STI, and nearly three-quarters of those who continue to use it are diagnosed with chlamydia, gonorrhea or syphilis within 1 year of using it, according to results from a systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA Network Open.
Top stories in infectious disease: HIV progress stalls, Samoa struggles with measles outbreak
In Baltimore, less than half of MSM using PrEP screened for STDs
Despite clinical guidelines recommending they be screened biannually for STIs, less than half of men who have sex with men, or MSM, in Baltimore who were taking pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, for HIV prevention were tested for syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia upon PrEP initiation during a recent 30-month period, study findings showed.
Vaginal gel shows promise for chlamydia, gonorrhea prevention
Should doxycycline be used as PrEP for STD prevention?

In recent years, there has been a trending rise in STDs in the United States, forcing experts to look for alternative prevention strategies. Infectious Disease News asked David C. Harvey, MSW, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors, to weigh in on one such strategy — the use of doxycycline as pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP.