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October 15, 2019
1 min read

US sets STD record, unvaccinated adults stoke NY outbreak – top stories in infectious disease

The CDC’s announcement that 2018 marked the United States’ fifth straight record-breaking year for cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis was the week’s top story in infectious disease.

October 08, 2019
3 min read

US sets another record for STDs, CDC says

US sets another record for STDs, CDC says

Around 2.4 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis were reported in the United States in 2018, marking the fifth straight record-breaking year for STDs in the country, the CDC announced today.

October 07, 2019
2 min read

Q&A: The need to refocus STI research

Researchers at the NIH recently highlighted the need for a “refocused and enhanced research portfolio directed at the development of innovative diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines for STIs.”

September 30, 2019
2 min read

Q&A: Improving clinical trial design for gonorrhea treatment

Q&A: Improving clinical trial design for gonorrhea treatment

The clinical trial design for testing new urogenital gonorrhea treatments needs to be re-evaluated, researchers said.

September 06, 2019
2 min read

Doxycycline prophylaxis promising for bacterial STI prevention

Doxycycline prophylaxis promising for bacterial STI prevention

Findings from a state-of-the-art review showed that doxycycline prophylaxis may be a promising strategy to prevent bacterial STIs.

September 05, 2019
3 min read

Study finds no association between ‘extreme grooming,’ STIs in women

Study finds no association between ‘extreme grooming,’ STIs in women

Researchers found no association between frequent pubic hair grooming and STI prevalence among female students at one Midwestern college, according to study results published in PLoS One.

August 30, 2019
2 min read

Rectal gonorrhea associated with increased HIV infection risk in MSM

An Australian study that enrolled initially HIV-negative men who have sex with men, or MSM, showed that repeated and single rectal gonorrhea infections were associated with an increased risk for HIV infection, suggesting that preventive interventions be emphasized among MSM with a history of rectal gonorrhea, researchers said.

June 28, 2016
3 min watch

VIDEO: Presentation highlights ‘current epidemic’ of syphilis among patients with HIV, importance of screening for STIs

VIDEO: Presentation highlights ‘current epidemic’ of syphilis among patients with HIV, importance of screening for STIs

In this video, Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, MPH, director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, discusses her presentation at ASM Microbe on sexually transmitted infections, which focused, in part, on the “current epidemic” of these infections among patients with HIV.

December 10, 2015
3 min read

HIV diagnoses frequent among MSM attending STD clinics

HIV diagnoses frequent among MSM attending STD clinics

ATLANTA — HIV diagnoses are common among men who have sex with men seeking care at local STD clinics and occur more frequently in those also diagnosed with an STD infection, according to surveillance data presented at the CDC’s National HIV Prevention Conference.

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