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Giant Cell Arteritis

August 15, 2021
2 min read

Checkpoint inhibition 'unleash' inflammatory markers, hurdles in giant cell arteritis

Checkpoint inhibition 'unleash' inflammatory markers, hurdles in giant cell arteritis

More thorough understanding of giant cell arteritis disease processes has shed light on how immune checkpoint inhibitors may be exacerbating this and other immune-mediated conditions, according to a presenter here.

July 09, 2021
2 min read

ACR, Vasculitis Foundation issue three new guidelines for 'expanded' vasculitis therapies

ACR, Vasculitis Foundation issue three new guidelines for 'expanded' vasculitis therapies

The American College of Rheumatology has released three new vasculitis treatment guidelines — for ANCA-associated vasculitis, giant cell arteritis and Takayasu arteritis, and polyarteritis nodosa — with a fourth expected soon.

June 30, 2021
2 min read

Tocilizumab plus prednisone reduces treatment failure risk sixfold in giant cell arteritis

Tocilizumab plus prednisone reduces treatment failure risk sixfold in giant cell arteritis

Tocilizumab plus prednisone was linked to a sixfold reduced risk for treatment failure in patients with giant cell arteritis, with highest risks reported among women and patients treated with prednisone monotherapy, according to data.

May 21, 2021
2 min read

Tocilizumab holds firm as steroid-sparing agent in giant cell arteritis

Tocilizumab holds firm as steroid-sparing agent in giant cell arteritis

Tocilizumab, the one biologic therapy that has FDA approval for giant cell arteritis, has shown ongoing efficacy in keeping patients in remission and off steroids, according to a pair of presenters at the Biologic Therapies Summit.

May 20, 2021
3 min read

Increased systemic inflammation linked to symptomatic COVID-19

Increased systemic inflammation linked to symptomatic COVID-19

Although the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases is comparable to the general population, increased systemic inflammation among these patients is linked to symptomatic COVID-19, according to researchers.

April 08, 2021
3 min read

Tocilizumab improves GCA outcomes in patients with polymyalgia, cranial symptoms

Tocilizumab improves GCA outcomes in patients with polymyalgia, cranial symptoms

Tocilizumab improves outcomes in patients with giant cell arteritis who present with polymyalgia rheumatica symptoms only, cranial symptoms only or both at baseline, according to data published in Seminars in Arthritis & Rheumatism.

April 01, 2021
2 min read

GiACTA: Giant cell arteritis remission maintained in 42% of patients after drug cessation

GiACTA: Giant cell arteritis remission maintained in 42% of patients after drug cessation

A substantial proportion of patients who received tocilizumab for giant cell arteritis for 1 year remain in drug-free remission throughout the 2 years after ceasing therapy, according to data published in The Lancet Rheumatology.

March 01, 2021
2 min read

Mortality rising for giant cell arteritis despite declines in general population

Mortality rising for giant cell arteritis despite declines in general population

The mortality rate of patients with giant cell arteritis increased from 50 deaths per 1,000 in 2000 to 57.6 per 1,000 in 2018, while mortality among the general population declined, according to data published in Arthritis Care & Research.

February 08, 2021
3 min read

'Checklist' may help distinguish overlapping features of COVID-19, giant cell arteritis

'Checklist' may help distinguish overlapping features of COVID-19, giant cell arteritis

Giant cell arteritis and COVID-19 both feature headache, fever, elevated C-reactive protein and cough as symptoms, whereas jaw claudication, visual loss and platelet and lymphocyte counts may be more discriminatory, according to findings.

December 10, 2020
2 min read

Thoracic aortic dilation more common in patients with giant cell arteritis

Thoracic aortic dilation more common in patients with giant cell arteritis

Thoracic aortic dilation is more common among patients with giant cell arteritis, but the subsequent risk for aortic repair, rupture or dissection is low, according to data published in Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism.

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