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Dietary Guideline

Clinical Guidance
Food Allergy
Treatment and Management

Personal Management Strategies

Douglas H. Jones, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

Clinical Guidance
Food Allergy
Treatment and Management

Dietary Management

Douglas H. Jones, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

Clinical Guidance
Food Allergy
Treatment and Management

Food Allergy Management

Douglas H. Jones, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

July 23, 2023
3 min read

Babies in rural areas often fed high-salt and sugary foods, at odds with guidelines

Babies in rural areas often fed high-salt and sugary foods, at odds with guidelines

BOSTON — A large proportion of rural children were fed high-sugar and high-salt foods within the first 2 years of life, according to a study presented at NUTRITION.

June 01, 2023
4 min read

New dietary recommendations, dyslipidemia guidelines and more to be featured at NLA 2023

New dietary recommendations, dyslipidemia guidelines and more to be featured at NLA 2023

The National Lipid Association Scientific Sessions will be held today to Sunday and will spotlight statements on nutrition in adults with dyslipidemia, include sessions on the integration of lipid guidelines in clinical practice and more.

May 10, 2023
1 min read

Top in endocrinology: Continuous glucose monitoring disruptions; updated dietary guidance

Top in endocrinology: Continuous glucose monitoring disruptions; updated dietary guidance

Most adults with diabetes who used continuous glucose monitoring, or CGM, reported at least one disruption over the past year, with device malfunction and insertion problems being the most common reasons, data show.

May 02, 2023
3 min read

European dietary guideline emphasizes whole grains, fruits and vegetables for diabetes

European dietary guideline emphasizes whole grains, fruits and vegetables for diabetes

Dietary patterns focused on eating more whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds are best for the management of diabetes, according to an updated guideline published in Diabetologia.

April 14, 2023
2 min read

Recommendations for phosphorus prove difficult for dietitians to implement

Recommendations for phosphorus prove difficult for dietitians to implement

AUSTIN, Texas — Dietitians treating patients on dialysis identified the phosphorus recommendation from the 2020 Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initiative difficult to implement among other recommendations, a presenter said.

March 23, 2023
2 min read

National goal to cut down on added sugars by 2030 is achievable, study suggests

National goal to cut down on added sugars by 2030 is achievable, study suggests

Americans can achieve the Healthy People 2030 added sugars target with modest reductions in added sugars, according to the results of a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

March 03, 2023
1 min read

Healio launches easy-to-use guide for nutrition

Healio launches easy-to-use guide for nutrition

Healio has announced that it is now offering a special report on nutrition that physicians can use as a resource to guide conversations with patients about healthy diet options.

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