‘Open your doors’: Pathways program seeks to double diversity among dermatologists by 2027
Healio Minute Podcast, Dermatology Edition: Top Headlines - Week of July 24, 2023
Philadelphia-based dermatologist to lead AAD as 2025 president
VIDEO: Maui Derm meeting promises ‘engaging’ content
Head and neck melanoma incidence rises among children, adolescents, young adults
4-year-old boy presents with bumpy facial rash

A 4-year-old boy presents with a bumpy rash on the right side of his face for the past 5 months. The rash is neither pruritic nor painful. Before onset of the rash, he had a cavity treated. He is in day care with another child who was seen by a dermatologist for bumps on the skin that were treated with a cold liquid. Hydrocortisone 1% cream was tried for 2 weeks without clearance of the lesions.
Risk for developing PsA remains ‘linear’ among psoriasis patients
AI an emerging tool, not substitute, for oncologists
New medications ‘revolutionary’ for kids with atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis, one of the most common inflammatory skin conditions, begins in many patients by age 1 year, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Globally, an estimated one in five children is affected by the disease. The prevalence is higher among children in developed countries, including the United States, and it may be increasing, researchers suggest.
Hyperkalemia risk higher in older women taking spironolactone for acne
In women prescribed spironolactone for acne, the rate of incident hyperkalemia at follow-up was significantly higher for those aged 46 to 65 years compared with those aged 18 to 45 years, warranting further serum potassium monitoring guidance and protocols, according to findings from International Journal of Women’s Dermatology.