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Antimicrobial Stewardship

December 10, 2021
2 min read

CDC makes moves to fill global gaps in fighting antimicrobial resistance

CDC makes moves to fill global gaps in fighting antimicrobial resistance

The CDC announced $22 million in awards and the launch of two programs that will focus on preventing and combating antimicrobial-resistant infections.

November 11, 2021
3 min watch

VIDEO: Antimicrobial use and stewardship in the age of COVID-19

VIDEO: Antimicrobial use and stewardship in the age of COVID-19

WASHINGTON – In this video, Cornelius (Neil) J. Clancy, MD, discusses a presentation he gave at the World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress on antimicrobial use, stewardship and resistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

November 08, 2021
2 min watch

VIDEO: IDSA president on legislation that supports stewardship and the ID workforce

VIDEO: IDSA president on legislation that supports stewardship and the ID workforce

WASHINGTON — Infectious Diseases Society of America President Daniel P. McQuillen, MD, FIDSA, delivered a presentation at the World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress on issues related to antimicrobial stewardship and the ID workforce.

October 31, 2021
1 min read

Fluoroquinolone use varies significantly based on provider age

Fluoroquinolone use varies significantly based on provider age

Fluoroquinolone use decreased between 2015 and 2016 due in part to FDA advisories. However, their use still varies significantly based on provider age and other characteristics, according to a study.

September 20, 2021
1 min read

‘An important down payment’: US pledges $2B to fight antimicrobial resistance

‘An important down payment’: US pledges $2B to fight antimicrobial resistance

The Infectious Diseases Society of America said it was “encouraged” by a Biden administration plan to allocate more than $2 billion in federal funding to build infrastructure to combat drug-resistant infections.

July 21, 2021
4 min read

Antifungal stewardship: Core elements to success

Antifungal stewardship: Core elements to success

Antimicrobial stewardship has been defined as coordinated interventions designed to improve and measure appropriate use of antimicrobial agents by promoting the selection of optimal drug regimens.

July 18, 2021
1 min read

Study shows decline in unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions in VA hospitals

Study shows decline in unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions in VA hospitals

Data from Veterans Health Administration pharmacies showed that outpatient antibiotic prescriptions declined by almost 4% annually from 2011 to 2018, researchers reported at the ECCMID virtual meeting.

July 13, 2021
2 min read

Intervention fails but still ‘provides a roadmap’ to reduce antimicrobial use, experts say

Intervention fails but still ‘provides a roadmap’ to reduce antimicrobial use, experts say

An intervention researchers hoped would improve infection management did not significantly reduce antimicrobial use among nursing home residents with dementia, data showed.

June 22, 2021
2 min watch

VIDEO: Jennifer Gardy, PhD, discusses ‘unparalleled’ joint microbiology meeting

VIDEO: Jennifer Gardy, PhD, discusses ‘unparalleled’ joint microbiology meeting

The American Society of Microbiology (ASM) and Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) collaborated to launch a joint meeting this year called the World Microbe Forum, which combined ASM Microbe and FEMS Congress 2021.

May 29, 2021
1 min read

6 weeks of antibiotics not better than 12 weeks for prosthetic joint infection

6 weeks of antibiotics not better than 12 weeks for prosthetic joint infection

The results of a randomized controlled trial demonstrated that a 6-week course of antibiotics for prosthetic joint infection was not noninferior to a 12-week course and resulted in a higher percentage of patients with unfavorable outcomes.

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