Chronic total occlusion PCI in Latin America often successful despite limited resources

Chronic total occlusion PCI performed in Latin America is primarily done for angina relief, had a success rate of more than 80% and conferred low incidence of MACE, despite resources that are limited compared with other regions, according to an analysis published in Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions.
Reducing HbA1c best strategy to avoid initial, subsequent CVD events in type 1 diabetes
Key opinion leaders discuss top news from 2019

Approximately 50% of high school students are vaping. The major product in these devices is nicotine, one of the most addicting substances known. As editor-in-chief of The American Journal of Medicine, I have already accepted several articles pointing out serious pulmonary complications related to vaping. This new product is well on its way to becoming a major public health problem.
FFR may confer treatment reclassification in CAD, diabetes
The Take Home: AHA Scientific Sessions
Inadequate sleep, occupation may contribute to increased CHD risk
At Issue: ISCHEMIA trials provoke debate on treatment of stable ischemic heart disease
OCT confers improved outcomes vs. FFR for intermediate lesions: FORZA
SCOT-HEART: Benefits of CTA strategy in chest pain consistent across subgroups

The beneficial effect of a coronary CT angiography-based strategy on clinical outcomes compared with standard care in patients with chest pain was consistent across subgroups, and the benefit chiefly occurs because of preventive treatments given to those with stable CAD, according to new data from the SCOT-HEART study.