May 08, 2024 Articles
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- ‘Substantial geographic disparities’ worsening in cancer clinical trial availability
- Addressing gaps in standard of care may improve treatment for adults with Fabry disease
- Black, Hispanic individuals have more negative experience, concerns in myasthenia gravis
- Cellular mechanisms may shed light on varying responses to ortho-k treatment for myopia
- Changes in infusion drug insurance coverage jeopardize ‘hard-won’ disease control
- ChatGPT fails to recognize congenital glaucoma from common symptoms
- COVID-19 public education campaign by HHS saved more than 50,000 lives
- Deployment exposures contribute to abnormal lung function in veterans
- Elevate your Game: Strategies for leaders mentoring the next generation
- Family planning support, education needed for women physicians
- Faricimab achieves inactive disease in veteran population with AMD
- Heart attacks have declined, but disparities in treatment, outcomes remain
- Low anti-TNF concentrations at week 14 linked to long-term loss of response in Crohn’s
- Melanoma cases rise despite unchanging mortality rate
- Nemolizumab filings for prurigo nodularis, atopic dermatitis accepted in four countries
- New HCM guideline endorses cardiac myosin inhibitors, encourages exercise
- OB/GYN clinicians, trainees report sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying
- Outset Medical receives FDA 510(k) clearance for TabloCart with Prefiltration
- Plastic wound protector outperforms gauze in lowering infection risk in open GI surgery
- Point-of-care saliva testing raised HIV screening rate at adolescent clinic
- PRP may offer longer-term improvements, pain relief vs. corticosteroids for tennis elbow
- Q&A: Should the US be testing more for bird flu?
- Setanaxib-pembrolizumab combination extends survival in advanced head and neck cancer
- Study examines national estimates of new onset vision impairment in older patients
- Surgical intervention linked to better outcomes at 180 days for intracerebral hemorrhage
- Testosterone therapy not tied to additional metabolic benefits for older men with obesity
- THA approaches had similar revision rates for femoral neck fracture
- Tick bites drive allergies to sugar in alpha-gal syndrome
- Tool may help predict risk for kidney injury after chemotherapy
- Top barriers to eye care among Americans include cost, accessibility, health care literacy
- Top in endocrinology: Inaccurate supplement labels; first fully implantable integrated CGM
- Uptake of smoking cessation support high when offered at lung cancer screening
- VIDEO: Advances in prognostic indicators for AML may help guide treatment
- VIDEO: AI-based models may predict visual acuity outcomes after faricimab for DME
- VIDEO: Classifying emerging therapies for AML
- VIDEO: Intercepting relapse shows potential in AML
- VIDEO: Lack of cure biggest challenge in AML
- VIDEO: Miebo shows efficacy for mild, moderate dry eye treatment
- VIDEO: Positioning the latest treatments for AML
- Vision changes in patients with long COVID may reflect severe disease phenotype