
October 02, 2022 Articles

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  1. Better safety awareness, industry-wide standards important for field of refractive surgery
  2. Cataract surgery after keratorefractive surgery requires risk counseling
  3. Early diagnosis, proper management important for pellucid marginal corneal degeneration
  4. Fibrosis, macular atrophy increase risk for vision loss in neovascular AMD
  5. Healio and CMHC continue partnership in support of 17th Annual CMHC conference
  6. Identifying changes in topography key for cross-linking after PK, RK
  7. Myelofibrosis trial yields ‘wholly unprecedented’ finding
  8. New disease scale helps predict visual acuity change in neovascular AMD
  9. Opioid-sparing regimen outperforms standard of care in oculoplastic pain control
  10. Optimize ocular surface, use AI for successful LASIK outcomes
  11. Preop evaluation key to avoiding postop complications in refractive surgery
  12. Systemic antivirals alone appropriate for acute retinal necrosis
  13. VIDEO: Gene therapy for X-linked retinitis pigmentosa shows positive safety, efficacy data
  14. VIDEO: Harrow CEO discusses Iheezo approval, fortified antibiotic
  15. VIDEO: ICL an option for customization of refractive surgery
  16. VIDEO: iDose shows promising results for glaucoma in phase 2 trial
  17. VIDEO: New dispersive viscoelastic an option for cataract surgery
  18. VIDEO: OTX-TKI shows promising results in wet AMD
  19. VIDEO: Pegcetacoplan shows increased treatment benefit at 2 years
  20. Vitamin A replacement may slow atrophic lesion growth in Stargardt disease
  21. Vitrectomy for floaters can be considered despite limited data
  22. Wide-awake local anesthesia, no tourniquet may not be superior to general anesthesia