September 27, 2021 Articles
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- BLOG: Biosimilar approval ushers in new era in retinal medical treatment
- Cardiovascular fat volume may impact cognitive function among postmenopausal women
- Children with cancer more likely to have severe COVID-19 illness
- COVID-19 testing 20% higher among patients with immune-mediated inflammatory disease
- Cystatin C test grants alternative to creatinine for race-free kidney function assessments
- DIET-HD Study: Physical activity reduces cardiovascular mortality in patients on dialysis
- Evidence-based statin recommendations underutilized for patients living with HIV
- Excessive gestational weight gain not linked to increase in gestational diabetes risk
- FDA grants orphan drug designation to nadunolimab for pancreatic cancer
- First-degree relatives at risk of psychiatric disorder transmission
- Focus on patient trust, safety to thrive during pandemic
- Four tips for combating online harassment, false information
- Glucocorticoid sensitivity may increase risk for stress-related diseases
- Guidelines address considerations for topical therapy, alternative medicine in psoriasis
- Hepatic steatosis common in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia
- Higher cognitive reserve does not reduce effects of covert vascular brain injury
- IDWeek returns as a virtual meeting again
- Longer anti-TNF-a treatment duration links to sustained benefit
- Multiple studies support efficacy of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine
- Newer MS diagnostic criteria show ‘prognostic improvement’
- Obstetric complications, psychiatric history, lower IQ linked to early-onset psychosis
- Orthopedic pioneer Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSc(Hon), DPs(Hon) dies at age 70 years
- Osteoporosis, hypothyroidism linked with increased scapular fracture risk after RSA
- Phase 3 trial evaluating TRS01 eye drops for active noninfectious anterior uveitis
- Potential alternative to FMT in bacteria may restore gut microbiome
- Professional, familial conflicts more common among women than men amid COVID-19
- Q&A: National Penicillin Allergy Day spotlights need to re-evaluate patients
- Scalp hair loss, psychosocial factors should determine alopecia areata disease severity
- SGLT2 inhibitors superior to GLP-1 receptor agonists for some CV outcomes
- Social media engagement may improve patient experience, overcome medical misinformation
- Structured lifestyle program for resistant hypertension improves BP, multiple biomarkers
- Study links gun violence to pediatric ED visits for mental health
- Top in cardiology: Benefits of chewing gum after surgery, updates in lipid research
- Topline results from DERBY, OAKS may pave way to first treatment for geographic atrophy
- Trial to assess long-term effects of inspiratory muscle training on BP in sleep apnea
- Use of systemic corticosteroids linked with worse COVID-19 outcomes
- VIDEO: Focal therapy data "very encouraging" for prostate cancer
- VIDEO: Impact of Covid-19 on care of prostate cancer patients
- VIDEO: Non-invasive PCC test offers high negative predictive value for prostate cancer
- VIDEO: Very encouraging results from study on MRI-guided transurethral ultrasound ablation