
March 26, 2020 Articles

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  1. ‘Big strain’ on blood supply amid COVID-19 pandemic could force difficult decisions
  2. AACE statement offers COVID-19 guidance for people with adrenal insufficiency, Cushing’s syndrome
  3. AAP offers tips for parents dealing with pandemic-related stress
  4. American College of Surgeons releases surgical triage guidelines during COVID-19 pandemic
  5. AURORA study: Voclosporin effective treatment for lupus nephritis
  6. Barriers to care may account for only small differences in asthma ED visits
  7. Circulating testosterone level drives fracture risk among older men
  8. CMS postpones MIPS deadline in light of COVID-19
  9. Dermatologists should consider participating in Twitter journal clubs
  10. Eylea payments extended due to COVID-19
  11. In acute MI, care of homeless differs from general population
  12. 'Isolated postpartum psychosis' a necessary diagnostic category, researchers suggest
  13. Nephrologists debate whether more frequent or incremental hemodialysis is best choice
  14. New hypertension threshold linked to 73% higher risk for vascular events in lupus
  15. Out of aces: Kenny Rogers, oncology and the novel coronavirus
  16. Patient-reported outcome measures, patient satisfaction had weak correlation after TJA
  17. Patients with celiac regularly exposed to gluten, even on a gluten-free diet
  18. PCPs ‘integral part’ of oral health care
  19. Perspective: I. Paul Singh, MD, on the FDA approval of Durysta
  20. Preoperative opioid education may reduce opioid consumption after arthroscopic meniscectomy
  21. Q&A: Social distancing is key to prevent COVID-19 among liver transplant recipients
  22. Q&A: Updates on COVID-19 protocols in primary care
  23. Quality of plant-based diet may improve long-term CVD odds, especially in women
  24. Researchers examine 69 existing drugs for efficacy against COVID-19
  25. Rheumatology coalition unveils patient registry to 'curate, disseminate' COVID-19 data
  26. Risk for COVID-19 may be higher among those with cancer, Wuhan data suggest
  27. Severity, features of late-life depression differ according to racial/ethnic group
  28. Swabbed PPE worn during COVID-19 patient care test negative for virus
  29. Top stories in hematology/oncology: COVID-19 and cancer, 'unprecedented’ declines in melanoma mortality
  30. Unsupervised AI can help identify central visual field loss patterns
  31. VIDEO: Impact of coronavirus on a private practice in Ohio
  32. VIDEO: Key strategies to prevent postoperative endophthalmitis