
February 25, 2020 Articles

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  1. AAP: Pediatricians should prescribe physical activity for patients
  2. ADHD medication prescribed at higher rates to children from poor areas
  3. AI platform with wearable sensor patch may predict HF rehospitalizations
  4. Annual breast cancer screening in women older than 75 years may not reduce mortality
  5. Benefits of vitamin D for MS ‘inconclusive’
  6. CDC: 13% of US adults have diabetes, with fewer new cases
  7. EHR data show contact with HCWs a risk factor for VRE acquisition
  8. FDA actions intended to improve safety of laparoscopic power morcellators for gynecologic surgery
  9. FDA approves first ProAir HFA generic
  10. For cardiac surgery heater-cooler system, FDA clears new iteration, updates safety alert
  11. Fracture prediction tools differ based on CKD status
  12. IBD treatment plan ‘needs to be a continuous conversation’
  13. Incremental dialysis may help maintain residual renal function, improve quality of life
  14. Intensified secondary prevention program may help control risk factors in stroke
  15. Long-term ECMO system receives FDA clearance
  16. Microfracture on arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears yielded low retear rate
  17. Microfracture on arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears yielded low retear rate
  18. Novartis responds to ASRS update on safety of Beovu
  19. Oral statins may improve PASI score in patients with severe psoriasis
  20. PCPs fall short of rheumatology referral 'sweet spot' for inflammatory back pain
  21. Primary letermovir prophylaxis prevents cytomegalovirus reactivation after haploidentical allogeneic HSCT
  22. ReNeuron stem cell therapy shows positive long-term results in retinitis pigmentosa
  23. Researchers identify factors linked to impaired hematopoietic recovery after CAR T-cell therapy
  24. SECURE-PCI: Atorvastatin loading in planned PCI fails to reduce 12-month MACE
  25. SELECT-COMPARE supports safety of JAK, TNF inhibitor switching in RA
  26. Speaker discusses application of continuous quality improvement theory to peritoneal dialysis
  27. Talazoparib active, safe among subset of men with metastatic prostate cancer
  28. TAVR safe in patients with bicuspid aortic stenosis at low surgical risk
  29. Teens with obesity more likely to develop cancer during midlife
  30. Temporal wedge defects common in glaucoma-related visual loss
  31. Top stories in psychiatry: Role of hopelessness overestimated in suicidal ideation, ‘effortful behavior’ predicts depression relapse
  32. Traditional biomass stoves increase household air pollution
  33. US begins trial of remdesivir to treat patients with COVID-19
  34. USPSTF: Insufficient evidence to evaluate benefits, harms of screening for cognitive impairment
  35. Vibratory, auditory stimulation may improve sleep for patients with insomnia
  36. VIDEO: Expert shares views on AI paradigm shift in ophthalmology
  37. VIDEO: Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction plays important role in patella stabilization
  38. VIDEO: New IOLs look to extend depth of focus without decreasing vision quality
  39. VIDEO: Treat new onset IBD smarter, earlier, deeper
  40. White House seeks $2.5 billion to fight COVID-19