October 30, 2020 Articles
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- LPA genetic risk score may be similar to Lp(a) measurements at predicting ASCVD
- BLOG: Refractive forgiveness and EDOF lenses
- Breath ammonia level is ‘a reliable tool’ to screen for early stages of CKD
- Carbapenem-sparing cUTI treatment shows superiority to piperacillin-tazobactam
- Couples often have similar CV risk factors
- Dosing begins in phase 3 trial of recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa gene therapy
- Egg-based mutations decreased efficacy of flu vaccine during severe 2017-2018 season
- Equity, equality and the disproportionate financial impact of COVID-19 on Black nurses
- Glaucoma a common complication after pediatric cataract surgery
- Health care professionals battle misinformation ‘infodemic’ on internet, social media
- Higher white blood cell count seen in patients with septic arthritis vs gout
- Key reason for midterm to long-term medial, lateral UKA revision: OA progression
- Many US physicians financially impacted by COVID-19, surveys show
- Maternal psychological distress during pregnancy increases risk for asthma in children
- NCI’s CURE Distinguished Scholar discusses epigenetics of liver cancer
- Novel drug may provide symptom control in hypoparathyroidism
- Obesity associated with increased odds of acute renal failure, shock in COVID-19
- Online peer mentoring improves activation, quality of life scores in patients with CKD
- Phase 2b trial for Aerie dry eye drop begins
- Q&A: What is the risk for surface, aerosol spread of COVID-19?
- Racial minority groups underrepresented in radiation therapy clinical trials
- Riluzole augmentation may help veterans with PTSD who are resistant to SSRIs, SNRIs
- Sonelokinab efficacy shown through 24 weeks in plaque psoriasis
- Spike proteins provide ‘plausible explanation’ for neurological complications of COVID-19
- Study uncovers ‘enormous burden of dengue’ among Kenyan children
- The 2020 Healio Industry Breakthrough is ...
- The Healio Woman Disruptor of the Year is ...
- Ticagrelor for ACS confers similar net events but more bleeding, dyspnea vs. clopidogrel
- Top in GI: Famotidine and COVID-19, resuming motility procedures amid pandemic
- Top psych stories of October: Students and lockdown, sleep interventions for youth
- Unraveling obesity-related genes may hold clue to RA risk, role of inflammation
- Ustekinumab safe, effective over 5-year maintenance period
- VIDEO: Mazzo on Octane MedTech Innovation Forum
- Women less likely than men to be asked about sexual health after cancer treatment