
January 20, 2020 Articles

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  1. ‘Our patients deserve better’: ACP calls for US health care overhaul
  2. Abdominal pain differs between IBS subtypes
  3. Alison Levine shares leadership lessons from Everest expedition
  4. Allogeneic HSCT survival outcomes show ‘striking improvement’
  5. Astellas partners with Adaptimmune to develop off-the-shelf CAR-T and T-cell therapies
  6. Be realistic, set expectations before blepharoplasty
  7. Cataract surgery payments take ‘a major hit’ in 2020
  8. Compliance is cheaper than a fraud investigation
  9. Constipation may lead to uremic toxins in patients with CKD
  10. Current BMI predicts future BMI better than polygenic risk score
  11. Early concussion care yielded faster recovery vs late care
  12. Five ways to maximize EHR use
  13. Insulin pump therapy viable option vs. injections for older adults
  14. Latent TB infection screening in patients with HS may be unnecessary
  15. Light Adjustable Lens ‘truly a disruptive technology’
  16. Microscopic colitis may increase risk for incident IBD
  17. More than 2 million patients with CVD have reported marijuana use
  18. Mortality with two stress ulcer prophylaxis treatments did not differ in critically ill patients
  19. Novel score may predict CV event risk similarly to ASCVD risk score
  20. Obesity linked to worse psychosocial outcomes among patients with breast, prostate cancer
  21. Operative management of distal radial fractures reduced malunion
  22. Oral anticoagulants may be harmful in patients with AF on dialysis
  23. Original, generic PGAs show no significant difference in IOP, tolerability
  24. Patience needed to grow OCTA adoption in practice
  25. Patient support tool may improve treatment decisions for those with CKD, hepatitis C
  26. Pheochromocytoma, paraganglioma underrecognized cause of secondary osteoporosis
  27. Physicians should counsel patients on safe use of cannabis edibles
  28. Practices must create a system to deal with PBM drug denial
  29. Pralsetinib effective, safe for RET fusion-positive NSCLC
  30. Rate of infant deaths attributed to birth defects declines by 10% in US
  31. Recent fracture ‘addressable risk factor’ for new fracture
  32. Small, practical steps can improve antibiotic stewardship in the outpatient setting
  33. Smoking linked to renal involvement in immunoglobulin A vasculitis
  34. Step therapy an onerous process for providing patient care
  35. Students who post about depression on Facebook not directed toward professional help
  36. Top stories in cardiology: Exhaustion ups AF risk, BP elevations occur earlier in women
  37. VIDEO: 2020 is about visualization at Zeiss
  38. VIDEO: Dry eye disease treatment starts with education and evaluation
  39. VIDEO: PCO remains the most common late-term sequelae
  40. Voice-analysis application assesses well-being of patients with serious mental illness
  41. Vyzulta approved in Hong Kong, Argentina
  42. WHO calls emergency meeting over Chinese coronavirus outbreak