January 16, 2020 Articles
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- ‘Number to treat’ with UDCA may improve survival rates in PBC
- 2019: To close out a decade of progress, new ways of thinking about cardiology emerge
- A look at the interaction between opioids and oral P2Y12 inhibitors
- Antioxidant supplements linked to increased risk for breast cancer recurrence, death
- BP elevations occur earlier in life for women vs. men
- CDC: More than 15% of US adults physically inactive
- Combination therapy trial for locally advanced, metastatic HCC underway
- Culture, quarantine effectively identify contaminated duodenoscopes
- Deep brain stimulation effective, safe for treatment-refractory OCD
- Differences in dyslipidemia guidelines underscore complexity of CVD prevention
- DNA-mapping technology shows promise in fight against cancer, plus more top stories in hematology/oncology
- Faith in vaccines falls 10 percentage points in US poll
- Family-focused therapy reduces mood episodes in youths at risk for bipolar disorder
- First US patient implanted with wireless retinal device
- Five ways climate change impacts health — and how clinicians can mitigate its effect
- Folic acid may reduce odds of CKD progression, but only in select patients
- Glaukos leverages acquisitions to enter new ophthalmology spaces
- High BMI linked to longer survival with immunotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer
- Hot flashes associated with altered brain function during memory tests
- ID consult lowers risk for death from bloodstream infection by fourfold
- Key opinion leaders discuss top news from 2019
- Late-stage head and neck cancer incidence continues to rise in US
- Looking Back at 2019’s Top 10, Peer Tested by You
- Malignant LV hypertrophy may help explain elevated HF incidence in black population
- Many transgender women with HIV not interviewed for partner services
- Medially stabilized TKR designs are more sagittally stable
- Medially stabilized TKR designs are more sagittally stable
- Mental distress highly prevalent among adults with arthritis in Appalachia, southern US
- Mobile closed-loop insulin system bests sensor-augmented pump in preventing hypoglycemia
- New use for an old drug: The potential of colchicine in CVD
- Patient complexity linked to low-value corticosteroid use in COPD
- Patients with CKD rate their physical QoL lower than general population
- Pediatric islet autoimmunity risk rises with BMI gains
- Posterior approach may provide successful outcomes in primary, revision THA
- Q&A: Additional therapies for secondary prevention may be effective, but also expensive
- Q&A: Professional dissonance drives burnout in PCPs
- Q&A: Vision training to improve athletic performance
- Race may influence biochemical responses to testosterone therapy
- Region-specific gaps persist in acute HF management
- Remicade is top among biologic-naive patients with UC
- Similar outcomes seen with nails, plates for treatment of distal tibia fractures
- Speaker: Direct anterior approach handles variety of primary, revision THA problems
- SSc-related digital ulcers linked to worse disease burden, worse QoL, excess costs
- Study finds prostaglandins change ocular surface
- SURGICAL VIDEO: Capsulorrhexis run management when all breaks loose
- Survey determines core outcome sets for actinic keratosis trials
- Telemedicine support group offers convenience, community to young adults with cancer
- Twice-yearly inclisiran reduces LDL in ASCVD, FH
- Where does your financial advisor’s duty lie?