
August 31, 2019 Articles

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  1. International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer announces president-elect, board members
  2. 7 stories you may have missed in August
  3. Aspirin fails to benefit elderly patients for CVD prevention
  4. Cardioversion with maximum-fixed shocks confers better outcomes vs. low-escalating energy shocks
  5. Evolocumab shows benefit for high-risk ACS: EVOPACS
  6. Global longitudinal strain a helpful diagnostic tool for detecting myocardial dysfunction
  7. Longer sleeves reduce contamination during PPE removal
  8. POPular AGE: Clopidogrel remains an option for elderly with ACS
  9. Surgeon preference for selective vs routine patellar resurfacing linked with greater revision risk
  10. Transgender men report negative experiences, depression during pregnancy
  11. VIDEO: WIO meeting ‘empowers women’s aspirations’