
June 17, 2019 Articles

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  1. ‘Common-sense’ precautions reduce risk for variant flu at fairs
  2. 1 million child-friendly TB courses ordered since 2016
  3. Antihistamine-releasing contact lens relieves symptoms of ocular allergy
  4. Association found between progression of retinopathy, kidney disease
  5. Avenova available online, without prescription
  6. Black lung, lung cancer, COPD on the rise in US coal miners
  7. Bleeding after endovascular PAD procedures portends bad outcomes
  8. BLOG: Don’t get burned: Physician burnout and what you can do
  9. BLOG: ROP: A growing burden on the not-so-poor world
  10. Blood pressure drug shows promise in Alzheimer’s disease
  11. Can a thorough follow-up ROP exam be done without fluorescein angiography?
  12. Cancer indicator may also predict diabetes risk
  13. CGM use limits ‘glycemic extremes’ in childhood type 1 diabetes
  14. Claudin-specific CAR T cells safe, effective in advanced gastric, pancreatic adenocarcinoma
  15. Clinician who sought mental health help shares journey
  16. CRT-D confers improved outcomes for nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay
  17. DOPPS data shows ultrafiltration rates tapering off in patients with ESKD
  18. Dosing begins in topical ST-266 trial for persistent corneal epithelial defects
  19. Drug prices on TV ‘a step in the right direction’
  20. Dry eye experts debate procedural vs. medical therapy for ocular rosacea
  21. Echocardiography use for acute myocardial infarction tied to higher costs, longer hospital stays, no clinical benefits
  22. Enter the whales, part 2
  23. FDA approves Victoza for children with type 2 diabetes
  24. First-in-human implanted vagus nerve device shows benefit in RA
  25. Frequent nightmares may increase risk of suicide, self-harm in teens
  26. Genetic variants predict age at menopause, influence longevity
  27. Hooked on ID with Joseph D. Cooper, MD
  28. IBD, type I diabetes may predispose individuals to RA
  29. ID laboratory stewardship: A concept in need of implementation
  30. Intravitreal injections can lead to cataract complications
  31. Is the world due for an influenza pandemic?
  32. Living liver-donor transplant awareness low, even among physicians
  33. Marijuana, Rheumatology and Clinical Equipoise
  34. MIW815 plus spartalizumab safe, active among certain patients with advanced breast cancer, melanoma
  35. Model identifies ideal vancomycin concentrations for infants
  36. NIH awards US Renal Data System contract to Chronic Disease Research Group
  37. No increased fracture risk with real-world use of antidiabetes therapies
  38. Obstructive sleep apnea increases risk for type 2 diabetes
  39. Ocular imaging may facilitate early Alzheimer's diagnosis
  40. Older woman presents with new-onset diplopia
  41. Older women with osteoporosis, multiple comorbidities have high probability of hip fracture
  42. Patients with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency less likely to respond to low-FODMAP diet for IBS-D
  43. Polymicrobial flora, gram-negative organisms seen in pelvic endoprostheses affected by infection following tumor resection
  44. Portable gluten sensors may help improve quality of life in celiac disease
  45. Rate of cognitive decline accelerates after CHD events
  46. Researchers predict 60% of globe will be at risk for dengue by 2080
  47. Results ‘promising’ in phase 2 study of ruxolitinib cream for patients with vitiligo
  48. Risk for continued opioid use doubles when first administered during hospital stay
  49. Selective fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis linked with spontaneous correction of uninstrumented curves
  50. Smaller infants, aggressive disease necessitate evolution in ROP treatment
  51. The Cannabis Frontier: As Medical Cannabis Moves Mainstream, are Gastroenterologists Prepared?
  52. The Cannabis Frontier: As Medical Cannabis Moves Mainstream, are Rheumatologists Prepared?
  53. The good, bad and unnecessary prescribing of oral vancomycin prophylaxis in immunosuppressed patients
  54. Top stories in cardiology: BP control and diet may prevent millions of premature deaths, increasing vitamin K intake may stabilize anticoagulation in patients using warfarin
  55. Transcarotid artery revascularization safe, effective in two real-world studies
  56. Treatment of ROP still extremely difficult
  57. Trump administration sued over requirement to include drug prices in TV ads
  58. Two biomarkers for CV risk identified in juvenile SLE
  59. VEGF polymorphisms pose risk factor in patients with rosacea
  60. VIDEO: Lung cancer expert reviews ASCO late-breaking trials
  61. VIDEO: More evidence highlights importance of healthy diet for breast cancer survival
  62. VIDEO: Pearls for performing safe intravitreal injections
  63. VIDEO: Venetoclax-obinutuzumab combination improves outcomes in treatment-naive chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  64. Virtual RA Forum®: Applying Recent Advances to Improve Quality Care
  65. With equal access to care, prostate cancer outcomes similar among black, white men