June 17, 2019 Articles
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- ‘Common-sense’ precautions reduce risk for variant flu at fairs
- 1 million child-friendly TB courses ordered since 2016
- Antihistamine-releasing contact lens relieves symptoms of ocular allergy
- Association found between progression of retinopathy, kidney disease
- Avenova available online, without prescription
- Black lung, lung cancer, COPD on the rise in US coal miners
- Bleeding after endovascular PAD procedures portends bad outcomes
- BLOG: Don’t get burned: Physician burnout and what you can do
- BLOG: ROP: A growing burden on the not-so-poor world
- Blood pressure drug shows promise in Alzheimer’s disease
- Can a thorough follow-up ROP exam be done without fluorescein angiography?
- Cancer indicator may also predict diabetes risk
- CGM use limits ‘glycemic extremes’ in childhood type 1 diabetes
- Claudin-specific CAR T cells safe, effective in advanced gastric, pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- Clinician who sought mental health help shares journey
- CRT-D confers improved outcomes for nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay
- DOPPS data shows ultrafiltration rates tapering off in patients with ESKD
- Dosing begins in topical ST-266 trial for persistent corneal epithelial defects
- Drug prices on TV ‘a step in the right direction’
- Dry eye experts debate procedural vs. medical therapy for ocular rosacea
- Echocardiography use for acute myocardial infarction tied to higher costs, longer hospital stays, no clinical benefits
- Enter the whales, part 2
- FDA approves Victoza for children with type 2 diabetes
- First-in-human implanted vagus nerve device shows benefit in RA
- Frequent nightmares may increase risk of suicide, self-harm in teens
- Genetic variants predict age at menopause, influence longevity
- Hooked on ID with Joseph D. Cooper, MD
- IBD, type I diabetes may predispose individuals to RA
- ID laboratory stewardship: A concept in need of implementation
- Intravitreal injections can lead to cataract complications
- Is the world due for an influenza pandemic?
- Living liver-donor transplant awareness low, even among physicians
- Marijuana, Rheumatology and Clinical Equipoise
- MIW815 plus spartalizumab safe, active among certain patients with advanced breast cancer, melanoma
- Model identifies ideal vancomycin concentrations for infants
- NIH awards US Renal Data System contract to Chronic Disease Research Group
- No increased fracture risk with real-world use of antidiabetes therapies
- Obstructive sleep apnea increases risk for type 2 diabetes
- Ocular imaging may facilitate early Alzheimer's diagnosis
- Older woman presents with new-onset diplopia
- Older women with osteoporosis, multiple comorbidities have high probability of hip fracture
- Patients with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency less likely to respond to low-FODMAP diet for IBS-D
- Polymicrobial flora, gram-negative organisms seen in pelvic endoprostheses affected by infection following tumor resection
- Portable gluten sensors may help improve quality of life in celiac disease
- Rate of cognitive decline accelerates after CHD events
- Researchers predict 60% of globe will be at risk for dengue by 2080
- Results ‘promising’ in phase 2 study of ruxolitinib cream for patients with vitiligo
- Risk for continued opioid use doubles when first administered during hospital stay
- Selective fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis linked with spontaneous correction of uninstrumented curves
- Smaller infants, aggressive disease necessitate evolution in ROP treatment
- The Cannabis Frontier: As Medical Cannabis Moves Mainstream, are Gastroenterologists Prepared?
- The Cannabis Frontier: As Medical Cannabis Moves Mainstream, are Rheumatologists Prepared?
- The good, bad and unnecessary prescribing of oral vancomycin prophylaxis in immunosuppressed patients
- Top stories in cardiology: BP control and diet may prevent millions of premature deaths, increasing vitamin K intake may stabilize anticoagulation in patients using warfarin
- Transcarotid artery revascularization safe, effective in two real-world studies
- Treatment of ROP still extremely difficult
- Trump administration sued over requirement to include drug prices in TV ads
- Two biomarkers for CV risk identified in juvenile SLE
- VEGF polymorphisms pose risk factor in patients with rosacea
- VIDEO: Lung cancer expert reviews ASCO late-breaking trials
- VIDEO: More evidence highlights importance of healthy diet for breast cancer survival
- VIDEO: Pearls for performing safe intravitreal injections
- VIDEO: Venetoclax-obinutuzumab combination improves outcomes in treatment-naive chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Virtual RA Forum®: Applying Recent Advances to Improve Quality Care
- With equal access to care, prostate cancer outcomes similar among black, white men