June 10, 2019 Articles
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- Acucela’s Stargardt disease treatment gets European orphan designation
- ADA award winner discusses future of diabetes, obesity research
- Adaptimmune executive: T-cell therapy induces response in synovial sarcoma
- B vitamins may lower type 2 diabetes risk, intake order may impact onset
- Bariatric surgery reduces renal impairment in teens with severe obesity
- Battle for Enbrel: Ruling on patent lawsuit could transform US biosimilar marketplace
- BLOG: Management of first-time patellar dislocation with a statistically augmented clinical approach
- BLOG: Treating retinal tears, detachments with laser
- Brodalumab yields long-term skin clearance results in psoriasis
- CGM relieves burden, improves HbA1c for teens
- Clinicians must make educated decisions about myopia control
- Combined heart-kidney transplants show better patient, graft survival than single-organ transplant
- Donor-derived cell-free DNA test may help detect graft rejection in kidney transplant recipients
- Enzalutamide improves OS for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer
- FDA advisory committee votes on two Daiichi Sankyo cancer therapies
- FDA approves EyeGate PRK pivotal study
- FDA approves Polivy regimen for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Flu virus coinfection occurs more often than previously thought
- Flu-related hospitalization rates, risk for death increase with age among elderly
- Footwear intervention fails to improve gout foot pain
- Highlights from ATS: Critical care, asthma, interstitial lung disease
- Home BP monitoring essential for patients with ‘white coat’ hypertension
- Levofloxacin disrupts gut microbiome less than broad-spectrum beta-lactams
- MDMA-assisted psychotherapy effective, well-tolerated in PTSD
- MitraClip confers mitral regurgitation reduction in two trials
- More focus on BP control, diet may prevent 94.3 million premature deaths
- National Lung Screening Trial publication yet to impact mortality rates
- NIH, USDA analyses show prenatal multivitamin labels incorrect, unclear
- Novel bile acid sequestrant relieves symptoms of GERD
- Novel drug reduces lipids in patients with elevated triglycerides
- Parkinson’s disease rates lower in patients treated vs. untreated for HCV
- Patient-directed messaging improves colorectal cancer screening rates
- Pembrolizumab for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma reduces mortality risk in 'technically ... negative study'
- Personalized bionic pancreas increases time in range vs. usual care
- PRESIS: Hypertonic saline safe, effective in infants with cystic fibrosis
- Q&A: E-cigarette flavoring detrimental to endothelial cell function
- Relaxation app shows potential in managing migraine
- Repository corticotropin injection may reduce uveitis medication use
- Researchers debunk claim that medical marijuana is solution to opioid crisis
- REWIND: Dulaglutide reduces CV, renal risk in broad type 2 diabetes population
- Screening for Lynch syndrome less efficient after age 70 to 75 years
- Shingles incidence 78% higher among unvaccinated children
- Sickle cell disease poised for ‘golden age of treatment’ amid progress toward cure
- Smoking unfiltered cigarettes doubles risk for lung cancer mortality
- Suboptimal fruit, vegetable intake linked to 2.8 million heart-related deaths
- Teplizumab temporarily protects against type 1 diabetes in high-risk individuals
- Therapeutic armamentarium in urothelial carcinoma grows with understanding of tumor biology
- Timing matters — so do breaks
- Top stories in cardiology: Neladenoson not beneficial in some heart failure cases, beta-blockers may alleviate emotion-triggered atrial fibrillation
- Top stories in dermatology: Hidradenitis suppurative trial, risk for serious infections in AD
- Ulnar nerve anterior transmuscular transposition yielded favorable results for cubital tunnel syndrome
- Waning immunity from DTaP vaccines fueling ongoing outbreaks
- Will new therapies for sickle cell disease lead to a change or reduction in use of hydroxyurea for the management of pain?
- Women exposed to artificial light during sleep may be at risk for obesity