
May 06, 2019 Articles

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  1. 3D visualization in cataract surgery compares with traditional method
  2. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors delay prostate cancer diagnosis, worsen outcomes
  3. 73K people may be misclassified as HIV-positive in 11 African countries
  4. Access remains one of biggest challenges in ophthalmology
  5. Alterations in pathway activation found in hidradenitis suppurativa
  6. AMA: Number of US employed physicians exceeds self-employed physicians for first time
  7. Antimicrobial prophylaxis halts GAS outbreak in children’s shelter
  8. Asthma severity linked to fatty acid intake in children
  9. ASTRO, AUA update guideline on radiotherapy after prostatectomy
  10. Better positioning has improved outcomes of Entyvio therapy
  11. BLOG: ‘Milestone’ reflections of a doctor, father and grandfather
  12. BLOG: Take time to learn about new drugs, devices
  13. Can-Fite moves forward with advanced liver cancer therapy
  14. Capsule retention in Crohn’s lower than previously thought
  15. Dermatology pearls for the rheumatologist: cutaneous lupus, dermatomyositis
  16. Diet blogs often fail to provide accurate information, references
  17. Early study results favorable for new Juvene accommodating IOL
  18. Esports’ explosive growth prompts warnings, tips for clinicians
  19. Eye care moving toward multidose preservative free bottles for medications, tears
  20. Factors may help predict which patients with HER2-positive breast cancer can forgo surgery
  21. FDA approves stent system for iliofemoral venous obstructive disease
  22. Fitness levels linked to lung, colorectal cancer risk, outcomes
  23. Fournier gangrene associated with SGLT2 inhibitors use
  24. HCV transmission among ED patients result of illegal drug diversion
  25. Heterogeneity still major challenge in connective tissue diseases
  26. HF-related death rising, especially in black men
  27. History of violence, victimization predicts later violence in schizophrenia
  28. Impurities in valsartan may have been present for 4 years, pose minimal risk
  29. In your experience, what are the most effective strategies to prevent professional burnout?
  30. Intacs: Do they work and whatever happened to them?
  31. Internet-based physical therapy yielded outcomes similar to outpatient physical therapy
  32. Lung volume reduction confers clinical benefit in emphysema
  33. Magnetic neurostimulation improves corneal staining, quality of life in dry eye patients
  34. Management method addresses couching complications
  35. Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction yielded high return-to-sport rate
  36. More evidence needed from dermatologic surgical registries to define best practices
  37. Multimodal intervention improved pain, functioning in hand OA
  38. Novel assay aims to detect esophageal cancer in its earliest stages
  39. Ophthalmologists need to protect themselves from repetitive strain injury
  40. Ophthalmologists raise awareness of workstyle-related ergonomic problems
  41. Prepregnancy obesity triples risk for excess weight in offspring
  42. Recent ischemic stroke more common in patients with both PE, patent foramen ovale
  43. Red blood cell variance from liver disease alters HbA1c readings
  44. Seizing life in Paris, seizing life in your practice
  45. Similar CV outcomes seen in patients with ESRD on calcium-free vs calcium-based phosphate binders
  46. Small relaxing incisions may allow easier DMEK surgery
  47. Surgery without tourniquet may prove advantageous vs tourniquet use
  48. Test can pinpoint children who do not fast before lab work
  49. Top stories in cardiology: FDA approves alirocumab for CV outcomes, firibastat lowers BP
  50. Travoprost implant a ‘promising’ IOP reduction tool
  51. Treace Medical receives FDA clearance to expand indications of 3-D bunion correction system
  52. Treatments for cardiomyopathy from transthyretin-mediated amyloidosis approved by FDA
  53. VIDEO: Artificial intelligence could enhance cardiac imaging, AF detection
  54. VIDEO: Improving the transport of field samples
  55. VIDEO: MKO Melt sedation effect similar to IV sedation
  56. VIDEO: Zeiss launches new products
  57. Vitamin D supplementation will not extend hypercalcemia in patients with kidney transplants
  58. Vulnerable subpopulations have higher prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  59. Woman presents with lid swelling and proptosis