February 18, 2019 Articles
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- ‘Everyone has a role to play’ in addressing the STD crisis
- 12-year-old healthy female athlete presents with mole on heel
- 16-year-old male athlete presents with skin sores on lower extremities
- A conversation with pediatric obesity researcher Denise Wilfley, PhD
- Access to more primary care physicians associated with lower mortality
- Adjuvant chemotherapy with radiotherapy improves survival in locally advanced bladder cancer
- Anti-TNF, Entyvio equally effective in older patients with IBD
- BLOG: MGD heats up: J&J lowers LipiFlow cost
- BLOG: Three questions to ask before the consult
- Carotenoids may help enhance cognitive function
- Clinicians provide best practices for helping patients access medications
- Combining SSRIs, anticoagulants, increases risk for gastrointestinal, intracranial bleeding
- Communication essential when addressing astigmatism and cataract surgery
- Customize contact lens choice for patients with presbyopia and astigmatism
- DaVita estimates $25 million to $40 million impact on revenue if California restricts dialysis profits
- Decreased lean psoas cross-sectional area may increase all-cause mortality rate after trauma
- Depression after ischemic stroke associated with low adherence to secondary prevention
- Despite differences, JAK inhibitor safety similar across options
- Early tumor shrinkage associated with OS benefit from cabozantinib in advanced kidney cancer
- E-cigarette use rises among patients with cancer
- ESCRS president announces new initiatives at winter meeting
- FDA approves Egaten for fascioliasis in US patients
- Flaws found in compendia for dermatology conditions
- Global Liver Institute to head second annual International NASH Day
- Group B Streptococcus rises among nonpregnant adults
- Help patients get the prescription drugs they need
- Hemopure synthetic oxygen solution salvages initially rejected donor livers
- Higher heart rates related to type 2 diabetes risk in normal-weight adults
- Hormone therapy increases risk for stroke, VTE in transgender women
- JAK inhibitor therapy shows renewed promise for dermatomyositis
- Long-term DAPT after PCI fails to benefit patients at high bleeding risk
- Low serum IGF-I may signal liver fibrosis in type 2 diabetes
- Measuring vancomycin use by days of therapy underestimates exposure
- Mediterranean diet significantly reduces risk of AMD
- New AADE president to focus on changing health landscape in diabetes
- New therapeutics, technologies help clinicians fight dry eye
- New treatments, advances changing outcomes for radioactive iodine-refractory thyroid cancer
- No evidence of paclitaxel-related mortality risk in real-world PAD cohort
- Novel text-messaging program may improve outcomes in patients after THA, TKA
- Opioids after hospitalization reduce planned health care utilization in ACS, HF
- Origami-inspired malaria field test performs similarly to PCR
- Palivizumab not effective treatment for RSV bronchiolitis
- Pr3vent closes Series A funding round for AI development
- Recombinant zoster vaccine offers better value, protection against shingles
- RenalytixAI signs agreement for lab services
- Should lenvatinib or sorafenib be the first agent used in slowly progressing radioiodine-refractory thyroid carcinoma?
- Stanford’s WellMD Center blazes a trail to promote joy in medicine, combat burnout
- Tamoxifen shows promise for mania episodes in bipolar disorder
- Teenager has unilateral severe eye pain
- 'Timing really matters' in link between DDT exposure, breast cancer risk
- Top stories in cardiology: Alirocumab price reduced, artificially sweetened beverages may increase stroke risk
- Training program helps improve optical polyp diagnosis
- VIDEO: Corneal inlays, a technology that has struggled to take off
- VIDEO: Presenter discusses the use of PRP in patients with osteoarthritis
- Viral, bacterial diagnostics bolster antimicrobial stewardship
- Which STDs are in greatest need of a vaccine?
- Which STDs most require a vaccine?