
October 28, 2018 Articles

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  1. Association of American Cancer Institutes president outlines plan to promote ‘good public policy’
  2. Choice of MIGS depends on variable patient factors
  3. Cornea donor characteristics less important than recipient’s
  4. CureVac initiates rabies vaccine trial
  5. IC-8 IOL yields good monocular, binocular vision at 4 years postop
  6. Ongoing trial assessing novel assay to determine response to cardiac regenerative therapy
  7. Ophthalmology on the road to value-based care
  8. Regenxbio presents phase 1 data for wet AMD gene therapy
  9. Stryker reports third-quarter operating results for 2018
  10. The system works: Withdrawal of CyPass from the market
  11. Top updates in bone research from ASBMR