
October 22, 2017 Articles

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  1. AHA partners with group to set global health agenda
  2. Alcoholic cirrhosis outpaces non-alcoholic cirrhosis in use of resources
  3. DePuy Synthes launches 3-D simulation-assisted external fixation device
  4. Fatty liver increases risk for cardiovascular events in women
  5. Influenza pandemics more likely to emerge in spring, summer
  6. Liver transplant viable, more accepted in alcoholic hepatitis
  7. Most dietary supplements mislabeled, may cause liver injury
  8. Mount Sinai palliative care specialist receives National Academy of Medicine award
  9. NAFLD-associated serum metabolites linked to genetics
  10. Preemptive DAA therapy viable for HCV-positive liver transplantation
  11. Sarasar with Norvir effectively delays HDV progression, may clear virus
  12. Sugarpod wins diabetes challenge
  13. VIDEO: Expert gives advice on how to launch and protect innovative ideas and products