
April 16, 2015 Articles

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  1. ‘Chosen by ophthalmology’ Lindstrom wins OIS’ Ophthalmology Lifetime Innovator award
  2. N. lactamica may suppress meningococcal outbreaks
  3. AFP/ultrasound ameliorates surveillance of HCC
  4. Asthma rates similar for black youth in urban, rural settings
  5. Blacks, Hispanics more likely to be readmitted after TJR
  6. BLOG: A 52 year old male with hematemesis and melena
  7. Blood eosinophil count predicts ICS response on COPD exacerbations
  8. Candy twists viable option to glucola beverage in gestational diabetes screening
  9. Case Conferences with the Jefferson Digestive Disease Institute
  10. Celtaxsys announces phase 2 trial for oral acne vulgaris treatment
  11. Combined intracorneal ring implantation, cross-linking enhances corneal biomechanics in keratoconus
  12. Cornea Society reaches out globally and to younger members
  13. Dapagliflozin superior to placebo for patients with type 2 diabetes, CVD
  14. EDTA treats calcified band keratopathy if epithelium is removed
  15. Eight important items from AAOS
  16. FDA approves AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +2.5 D IOL for cataract patients
  17. FDA approves first generic medication for treatment of MS
  18. FDA panel recommends label changes for Nesina
  19. FDA warns of hepatic failure, bradycardia with Olysio
  20. Filgotinib meets primary endpoints at 12 weeks in phase 2B study of patients with RA
  21. Financial environment remains strong for ophthalmology innovation
  22. Flu vaccine did not modify flu severity during 2012-2013 season
  23. Gestational diabetes linked with autism risk
  24. Healio acquires
  25. Hormone therapy affects breast cancer risk differently over time
  26. Hospitalization rates for pediatric osteoarticular infections rise
  27. Lower intensity treatment regimen displays efficacy in older patients with AML
  28. Metabolite panel shows strong prognostic value for patients with HF
  29. MIGS gaining acceptance
  30. Minimally invasive lumbar discectomy may be safe in obese patients
  31. Morbidly obese patients experience greater utility with bariatric surgery prior to THA
  32. NYC OB units losing millions due to misallocation of beds
  33. Obama signs Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 into law
  34. Obama signs Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 into law
  35. Obesity increases prostate cancer risk in black men
  36. Optometric community mourns loss of Rosenbloom
  37. Patients with FM have smaller stromal nerve thickness, lower corneal sub-basal plexus nerve density
  38. Pearson: Valeant/Bausch + Lomb innovation pathway not mired by preconceived budgets, organic growth demands
  39. Pharmacist-based activities may improve adherence to dabigatran
  40. Point-of-care fingerstick CRAG provides low-cost, rapid meningitis diagnosis
  41. Preservation of deep lymphatic channels in abdominoplasty may reduce seroma rates
  42. Return-to-work rates similar for short, long fusion procedures
  43. Rules for predicting PE mortality show high sensitivity, low specificity
  44. SAMHSA, CMHS discuss integration of early intervention, coordinated care into U.S. mental health care system
  45. Scalpel superior to clip, cautery in single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy
  46. Seroma occurs most often on postoperative day 11 following abdominoplasty
  47. SGR fix also expands role of advanced practice nurses
  48. Speaker discusses practical use of new technologies for melanoma
  49. Specialist discusses suboptimal results of anti-VEGF therapy, switching treatment in non-responders
  50. Stroke and bleeding risks, prescription benefits, impact anticoagulant selection
  51. Sugar-sweetened beverages suppress cortisol, stress responses in brain
  52. Supreme Court again holds key to future of Affordable Care Act: Preparing for the fallout
  53. Surgeon reports positive outcomes of retinal prosthesis in two patients
  54. Surgery should be considered for anti-VEGF non-responders
  55. Treatment with fascia lata sling restores nasal airflow, improves QoL in facial paralysis patients
  56. Urinary T-cells remain useful biomarker for lupus nephritis
  57. Use of rhBMP for minimally invasive TLIF offers highest fusion rates
  58. WCO to continue collaboration with WHO
  59. Younger age, lower education, income predict suicide among stroke survivors