
February 09, 2015 Articles

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  1. ACH-3102/sofosbuvir yielded high SVR rates in patients with HCV
  2. Adult vaccination rates remain low
  3. AMD patients with low luminance vision garner twice the benefit of Lucentis treatment
  4. Asthma-related ED visits decline after enactment of smoke-free law
  5. AstraZeneca to acquire Actavis' respiratory drug unit
  6. BLOG: Primary eye care is not primary care
  7. Chikungunya symptoms may mimic seronegative RA
  8. Circulating cell-free DNA sheds light on genetic diversity of Hodgkin's lymphoma
  9. Convalescent blood transfusion may reduce Ebola-related mortality
  10. Coronary Calcium Score - No Doctor's Order?
  11. Crizotinib associated with systemic, intracranial disease control in ALK-rearranged NSCLC
  12. Eight physical signs associated with impending death in patients with cancer
  13. EM-guided nasoenteral feeding tube placement comparably safe, effective
  14. Envisia initiates phase 2a clinical trial for glaucoma treatment
  15. EOS Imaging receives FDA clearance for Micro Dose
  16. FDA clears transcarotid neuroprotection system
  17. Gastric bypass improves survival for obese patients with and without diabetes
  18. Gene expression may identify burn patients at risk for repeat infections
  19. Glaucoma innovation needs to move to earlier treatment
  20. GSK announces positive results for combined Tafinlar, Mekinist treatment for metastatic melanoma
  21. Health-related QOL not reduced in European IBD patients 10 years after diagnosis
  22. IVUS-assisted catheter-directed thrombolysis did not enhance thrombus resolution
  23. Low birth weight associated with increased risk for psychiatric disorders
  24. Lower limb amputations decreased, use of revascularization increased during past 15 years
  25. Lung-RADS may reduce false-positives in lung cancer screening
  26. Mohs-related lawsuits, aesthetic developments most read dermatology articles of week
  27. New protocols for corneal cross-linking promisingly address limitations, complications
  28. Newly discovered protein linked to gestational diabetes
  29. Noninflammatory encephalopathy identified in Indian neurological illness outbreak
  30. Novel algorithm led to low rate of inappropriate ICD shocks
  31. Obesity measures improve with supervised diet, exercise training among adolescents
  32. Obstacles to end-of-life discussions shared among clinicians
  33. Omega-3 supplements ineffective for short-term asthma therapy
  34. Outcomes after meningococcal disease remain poor in Canada
  35. Patients need accurate information to develop realistic expectations after thoracolumbar trauma
  36. Patients with axial spondyloarthritis may improve with certolizumab pegol
  37. Phase 3 studies of lampalizumab for geographic atrophy enrolling
  38. Poor sleep during middle age associated with cognitive decline
  39. Questionnaire helps identify body dysmorphic disorder in patients seeking cosmetic surgery
  40. RG-101 monotherapy reduced viral loads in patients with HCV
  41. Skin of patients with massive weight loss is weaker, less resistant to breakage
  42. Smoking status, age greatly increase lung cancer risk in patients with SLE
  43. Sternoclavicular joint pain likely a good indicator of arthropathy
  44. Stress could be factor for poor MI recovery in young women
  45. Study shows distal peripheral neuropathy common after shoulder surgery
  46. Study: Contraceptive information sheet may help prevent isotretinoin-exposed pregnancies
  47. Surgeons should take psychosocial impact of scarring from skin cancer surgery into account
  48. Tiotropium beneficial as add-on for poorly controlled asthma
  49. Top 5 online endocrine stories from January
  50. US prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome remains unclear
  51. Weekday dedicated orthopedic OR may improve patient safety and outcomes